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Open/Close section General Information
File Identifier: gov.noaa.nmfs.inport:48248
Metadata Date Stamp: 2023-07
Organization: Office for Coastal Management
Organization Role: resourceProvider
Open/Close section Identification Information
Title: C-CAP Land Cover, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Agrihan, 2001
Dataset Language: eng; US
Abstract: This data set consists of land derived from high resolution imagery and was analyzed according to the Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) protocol to determine land cover. This data set utilized 1 full Quickbird multispectral scene 1 additional scene was used to replace cloud obscured areas within the base imagery both scenes were processed to detect C-CAP land cover features on Agrihan, CNMI.
Data Type: Grid
Open/Close section Data Theme
Theme Topics: Imagery and Base Maps
Open/Close section Spatial Domain
West Bounding Longitude: 145.634386
South Bounding Latitude: 18.723767
East Bounding Longitude: 145.701641
North Bounding Latitude: 18.814907
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Open/Close section Data Quality Information
Scope (quality information applies to): Dataset
Open/Close section Contact Information
Organization: NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Address: 2234 South Hobson Ave
City: Charleston
State: SC
Postal Code: 29405-2413
Contact Website:
Telephone: (843) 740-1202
Open/Close section Distribution Information
Distribution Link:
Distribution Link Function: Download
Open/Close section Metadata Reference Information
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