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Open/Close section General Information
File Identifier: 0115299
Metadata Language: eng; USA
Metadata Date Stamp: 2018-03-28
Organization Role: pointOfContact
Open/Close section Identification Information
Title: NOAA/NMFS/CRED Deep CTD profiles from 15 cruises near islands, atolls and shoals in the central tropical Pacific 1999-2012 (NODC Accession 0115299)
Dataset Language: eng; USA
Abstract: The Coral Reef Ecosystem Division of the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, part of the National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted CTD profiling during 15 research cruises on the NOAA Ships Hi'ialakai, Townsend Cromwell, and Oscar Elton Sette in the years 1999 to 2012, totally 1,118 casts. Processed data include the profiles of temperature, salinity, oxygen, fluorescense, and other ancillary parameters. Most hydrocast stations are near atolls and islands. Casts in this NODC accession are referred to as deep profiles and mostly reach to 500 m. These casts are kept separate from casts of the same cruises that are designated as shallow. Shallow casts are stored in separate NODC accessions.
Open/Close section Data Theme
Theme Topics: Oceans and Estuaries
Open/Close section Spatial Domain
West Bounding Longitude: 144.37666
South Bounding Latitude: -13.98933
East Bounding Longitude: -153.01833
North Bounding Latitude: 38
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Open/Close section Contact Information
Organization: Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED), NMFS, NOAA
Contact Position: Principal Investigator
Address: NOAA IRC
City: Honolulu
State: HI
Postal Code: 96818
Country: USA
Telephone: 808 725-5360
Open/Close section Distribution Information
Format Name: ASCII
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Distribution Link Function: Download
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