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File Identifier: gov.noaa.nodc.cor:0093022
Metadata Date Stamp: 2018-09
Organization: DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
Organization Role: custodian
Open/Close section Identification Information
Title: Continuous bottom temperature measurements in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract at Carysfort Reef, 2006-2010 (NODC Accession 0093022)
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to document bottom seawater temperature in strategic areas of the Florida Reef Tract on a continuing basis and make that information available to management and research user groups. This ongoing project began in 1988. A total of 38 subsurface recording thermographs have been deployed in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) and at other selected locations on the Florida Reef Tract and associated hydrologic ecosystems. These instruments have been programmed to record at 2 hour intervals and are placed in permanent housings attached to suitable substrate. Data retrieval, servicing and reprogramming for continuous deployment have occurred, on average, annually. Initially, the collected data are made available to FKNMS Managers and others who monitor and assess environmental conditions that influence FKNMS areas of the Florida Reef Tract. An archival copy of these data is maintained and available from the U.S. U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center.
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Theme Topics: Environment and Conservation, Oceans and Estuaries
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West Bounding Longitude: -80.21
South Bounding Latitude: 25.22
East Bounding Longitude: -80.21
North Bounding Latitude: 25.22
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Scope (quality information applies to): repository
Open/Close section Contact Information
Organization: DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
Address: Federal Building 151 Patton Avenue
City: Asheville
State: NC
Postal Code: 28801-5001
Country: USA
Contact Website:
Telephone: 301-713-3277
Fax: 301-713-3300
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