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Laolao Bay conservation action plan. 2012 Addendum and workplan


Laolao Bay CAP Working Group
Laolao Bay conservation action plan. 2012 Addendum and workplan
Publication Date:
"On February 28th, 2012, a working group met at the Pacific Islands Club on Saipan for a day-long workshop to review the Laolao Bay Conservation Action Plan created in 2009 and create a work plan for the 2012-2013 calendar years. Members of participating agencies for the original CAP as well as several new stakeholders were invited (see appendix for list of attendees). The objectives for the workshop were to update what projects and strategic actions had been accomplished, update monitoring outcomes, and establish new objectives and strategic actions for the 2012 and 2013 fiscal years. Deliverables were to include this addendum to the 2009 CAP which includes revised threat rankings, conceptual diagrams and results chains generated in Miradi and a list of 2012-2013 Objectives and Strategic actions. Participants in the workshop agreed that regular evaluation and monitoring is necessary to continue to have management success in the Laolao Bay watershed. It was therefore decided that a review would be conducted every two years to evaluate the CAP (the next review is scheduled for early 2014) and that a meeting would occur annually to update the status of projects within the two-year workplan. The next workplan update meeting should occur in early 2013. This report also provides a link to the technical report comparing the 1992 and 2010 Laolao Bay marine monitoring data:"
Electronic Access:
FY2011 CRCP Project ID 20645; Project Title: Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grant Programs; Principal Investigator: Jenny Waddell ~ FY2011 CRCP grant NA11NOS4820009
Funding Organizations:
NOS/Office for Coastal Management (OCM)
Grant Number(s):

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