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Characterization of reef fish populations and benthic habitats within St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER), USVI


Characterization of reef fish populations and benthic habitats within St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER), USVI
Publication Date:
Publication Place:
Silver Spring, MD
Type Period Note:
Trip Report
"The 2012 field mission in the STEER was in support of Year 2 for the project: Characterization of Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Effects in the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER). The overall goals of the field mission were to conduct a biological survey of the marine resources within the STEER, and to collect samples of coral and conch for chemical contaminant analysis. The Biogeography Branch of NCCOS. Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA) conducted the biological survey, and CCMA.s Coastal Oceanographic Assessment Status and Trends (COAST) Branch conducted the collection of coral and conch tissue for chemical contaminant analysis. This trip report provides a summary of activities by the Biogeography Branch, while a separate trip report provides a summary of the contaminants work. The goal of the Biogeography Branch work was to conduct a biological assessment to characterize fish communities and benthic habitats within the STEER and at select hardbottom locations adjacent to STEER."
Electronic Access:
CRCP Project ID 534; Project Title: Characterization of Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Effects in the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER): Year 2; Principal Investigator: Tony Pait

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