Presentation & Videos

Screen shot of Dr. Gledhill talking from the presentation.

OA Science Presentation (video)

Dr. Gledhill, Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory, NOAA

A 30-min, in-depth presentation of the science of OA, including carbon cycle, chemistry of OA, aragonite saturation state, and effects on coral reefs and other marine calcifiers. Presentation is closed-captioned. Presentation will play automatically in a DVD player or from a computer.

OA Science Presentation

OA Science Presentation

OA Science Presentation
(annotated slideshow)

Dr. Gledhill, Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory, NOAA

Slideshow from science presentation, with presentation notes from speaker. Available as MS PowerPoint file and as a PDF with speaker notes.

OA intro and classroom demos

Dr. Lubchenco, NOAA Administrator

A 15-min presentation of NOAA administrator giving overview of OA and showing two classroom demos using dry ice and chalk (video has a 12-sec delayed start).

The Acid Test

Natural Resources Defense Council

A 21-minute film narrated by Sigourney Weaver, with leading science researchers explaining OA to a general audience (film online: ).

Short OA intro animation

Hawaii Sierra Club, NOAA CRCP

A 2-minute introduction to OA, linking human activities to carbon emissions and chemical changes in the ocean - download MP4 (Right Click Save As)

Ocean Acidification: The other carbon dioxide problem

NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

A 4-minute introduction to OA, showing potential effects of pteropods ("sea butterflies.") Video also shows animation of how OA measurements are taken in the ocean, and likely effects on marine life from increasing OA, beginning at the base of the foodweb. download MP4 (Right Click Save As)

Acid Oceans

American Natural History Museum - Acid Oceans (

A 6-minute video that links OA to specific effects on particular marine species - sea urchins - and shows how these are collected and studied. Includes animation of OA chemical equation, and shows how sea urchin larval measurements are made to study effect of future ocean conditions. Video can be used as introduction to activity "OA Virtual Lab," under Multimedia section. download MP4 (Right Click Save As)