Other NOAA Resources

NOAA Photo Library

The NOAA Photo Library has been built so as to capture the work, observations, and studies that are carried on by the scientists, engineers, commissioned officers, and administrative personnel that make up this agency. It also has been built in an attempt to capture NOAA's scientific heritage, which is in fact a heritage shared by much of the physical and environmental science communities in the United States today. To date, over 32,000 images have been digitized and reside in the online NOAA Photo Library.

NOAA Library Catalog

The NOAA Central Library, located in Silver Spring, Maryland, and its libraries at the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (Miami), National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center (Miami), Western Regional Center (Seattle), and College Park (Maryland), provide information and research support to NOAA staff and the public. The library also networks with over 30 NOAA libraries across the nation. Disciplines covered include weather and atmospheric sciences, oceanography, ocean engineering, nautical charting, marine ecology, marine resources, ecosystems, coastal studies, aeronomy, geodesy, cartography, mathematics and statistics.

Supporting Documents

This page lists a series of documents being developed to assist contributors in providing data and metadata to the CoRIS collection.

About CoRIS Data

Notes on data sets in the CoRIS collection.