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Offline DataNOAA Point Shapefile - 100m2 Fish Density of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, United States, R/V Manta, ROV Cruise, 2012, WGS84
Offline DataMultibeam Mapping of Pulley Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, Key West, Florida
Downloadable Data4 km NODC/RSMAS AVHRR Pathfinder v5.0 and Interim v5.0 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Data and v5.1 SST Data for 1981-2009
Downloadable Data4 km NODC/RSMAS AVHRR Pathfinder v.5.0 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Climatologies (1985-2001)
Downloadable DataThe Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database (CoRTAD) Version 1 - Global, 4 km, Sea Surface Temperature and Related Thermal Stress Metrics for 1985-2005 (NODC Accession 0044419)
Downloadable DataEnvironmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Atlas, Gulf of Mexico, Upper Coast of Texas PDFs 1996, Louisiana 2003, Mississippi 2009, Alabama 2007, Florida 1995-2003 maps and geographic information systems data (NODC Accession 0064870)
Downloadable DataLong-Term Monitoring at the East and West Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary 2002-2006, (NODC Accession 0012632)
Downloadable DataCaribbean Coral Reef, Seagrass and Mangrove Sites (CARICOMP), (NODC Accession 0000501)
Downloadable DataAcropora Presence/Absence in Surveyed Waters of Florida 1996-2008
Offline DataIchthyoplankton (biological) data collected aboard the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter during cruise 0701
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