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Downloadable DataNOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology - Fiji AB Coral d18O, PAGES Australasia 2k Version
Downloadable DataBenthic, urchin, and fish observation data collected using multiple methodologies to calculate coral reef carbonate budget estimates for sites in American Samoa in 2023 (NCEI Accession 0302849)
Downloadable DataNational Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Diel seawater carbonate chemistry observations from a suite of instrumentation deployed at coral reef sites in the Mariana Archipelago from 2022-04-14 to 2022-06-27 (NCEI Accession 0302434)
Downloadable DataNational Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Assessment of coral reef benthic communities in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary from 2022-08-25 to 2022-09-02 (NCEI Accession 0277838)
ResourceSocioeconomic survey on the marine environment, pollution, and village adaptive capacity: Vatia, Aunuu and Faga'alu Villages survey results, October and November 2014
ResourceMass coral bleaching due to unprecedented marine heatwave in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands)
ResourceA measurement guide for regulated nearshore species of Hawaii (Marshallese translation)
Downloadable DataNCCOS Assessment: Digitized histological slides for stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) development in Colpophyllia natans colonies located in the Dry Tortugas, 2021-09-01 to 2022-08-01 (NCEI Accession 0302466)
Downloadable DataGlobal Coral Bleaching Database (NCEI Accession 0228498)
ResourceEssential Fish Habitat (EFH) Generic Amendment to the Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) of the U.S. Caribbean Including a Draft Environmental Assessment Volume I
ResourceNOAA Fisheries’ Deep-Sea Coral Research & Technology Program science planning workshop for the Pacific Islands regional initiative
ResourceHawaiian Monk Seal Population Summary 2024
ResourceMarine Conservation Institute: Saving Wild Ocean Pleaces, for us and Future Generations
ResourceNational Benthic Inventory
ResourceCoral Reef Conservation Program management priority setting
ResourceTides and Currents: Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS)
ResourceNOAA's National Ocean Service Management and Budget Office (MBO)
ResourceThe CARIBSAVE Partnership: Protecting and enhancing the livelihoods, environments and economies of the Caribbean Basin
ResourceClimate Change
ResourceCARMABI Research Institute
ResourceOctocoral Resource Network
ResourceNOAA's Integrated Coral Observing Network (ICON)
ResourceBleachwatch Current Conditions Reports
ResourceCoral reef monitoring and assessment: Quick look reports
ResourceThreatened elkhorn and staghorn corals (Acropora sp.)
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