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ResourceOral history and contemporary assessment of Navassa Island fishermen [electronic resource] / prepared by Jean W. Wiener ; report for the United States Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service.
ResourceInferring trends in a small-scale, data-limited tropical fishery based on fishery-independent data
ResourceReef status and fisheries of Navassa Island
ResourceReefs of an uninhabited Caribbean island: fishes, benthic habitat, and opportunities to discern reef fishing impact
ResourceObservations on fisheries activities at Navassa Island
ResourceCoral disease outbreak at a remote Caribbean Island
ResourceCoral reef habitats of Navassa Island II: Benthic and fish communities
ResourceCoral disease outbreak at Navassa, a remote Caribbean Island
ResourcePreliminary effort and yield estimates from the Haitian fishery at Navassa Island
ResourceCoral mass bleaching and reef temperatures at Navassa Island, 2006
ResourceRapid Survey of Haitian Fishing Villages Exploiting Resources at Navassa Island
ResourceApparent rapid fisheries escalation at a remote Caribbean island
ResourceSponges of Navassa: Unpublished photographic key
ResourceStatus of reef resources of Navassa Island : cruise report Nov 2002
ResourceCharacterization of Navassa National Wildlife Refuge : a preliminary report for NF-06-05 (NOAA ship Nancy Foster, April 18-30, 2006)
ResourceComprehensive U.S. Caribbean Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring Project (C-CCREMP): Report on the Results of the C-CCREMP FY 2006 Workshops
Offline DataCoral Reef Status of Navassa Island 2004
Offline DataReef Fish of Navassa Island 2004
Downloadable DataThe Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database (CoRTAD) Version 5 - Global, 4 km Sea Surface Temperature and Related Thermal Stress Metrics for 1982-2012 (NCEI Accession 0126774)
Downloadable DataElkhorn coral demographic monitoring from 2004-03-30 to 2024-08-15 (NCEI Accession 0142175)
Offline DataThe Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database (CoRTAD) Version 6 - Global, 4 km Sea Surface Temperature and Related Thermal Stress Metrics for 1982 to 2017
Downloadable DataCoastWatch Regions in HDF Format
Downloadable DataAVHRR Pathfinder Version 5.2 Level 3 Collated (L3C) Global 4km Sea Surface Temperature for 1981-2012
Downloadable Data4 km NODC/RSMAS AVHRR Pathfinder v.5.0 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Climatologies (1985-2001)
Downloadable DataNOAA Coral Reef Watch Marine Heatwave Watch
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