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ResourceCulebra Seagrass Monitoring Work Plan
ResourceCulebra Sediment Trap Monitoring Work Plan
ResourceCulebra Cabra Watershed Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan
ResourceCulebra Nearshore Water Quality Monitoring Program Work Plan
ResourceCulebra LBSP Ridge to Reef Monitoring Program
ResourceAppendix 1. Culebra LBSP Ridge-to-reef monitoring; instrument, equipment, and supplies budget list
ResourceRestoration and implementation efforts in Culebra
ResourceCulebra LBSP Best Management Practices Implementation Inventory and Condition Monitoring Work Plan
ResourceAssessing the impacts of the invasive seagrass, Halophila stipulacea, and two major hurricanes on the distribution of native seagrass communities of Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
ResourceCulebra, Participatory GIS Mapping Exercise September, 2015 - Culebra, Puerto Rico
ResourceResults of the evaluations from the fishers workshops held in Vieques and Culebra.
Downloadable DataVelocity Data collected from moored Hull-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers positioned in Vieques Sound and Virgin Passage in the US Caribbean
ResourceUnpaved Road Assessment and Prioritization of NOAA Investments on Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
ResourceReducing LBSP threats from unpaved roads on Culebra Island
Downloadable DataNortheast Puerto Rico and Culebra Island Accuracy Assessment Points - 2015
Downloadable DataNortheast Puerto Rico and Culebra Island Ground Validation Points 2015
ResourceEducational products in support of Culebra's no take marine protected area in Puerto Rico
Downloadable DataNortheast Puerto Rico and Culebra Island - Benthic Habitat Map 2015
ResourceNOAA selects Puerto Rico's Northeast Reserves and Culebra Island as new habitat focus area
Downloadable DataNortheast Puerto Rico and Culebra Island - Geographic Zone Map 2015
ResourceWatershed Coordination, Protection, and Restoration to Control Land Based Pollution in Culebra, Puerto Rico FY-2017
ResourceCulebra community watershed action plan for water quality and coral reefs
Downloadable DataNortheast Puerto Rico and Culebra Island Bathymetry Model - NOAA TIFF Image
ResourceAppendix A: Identifying Priority Fixed-Site Monitoring Locations
ResourceReduction and control of sediment-laden runoff near critical coral reef ecosystems through the implementation of BMPs in Culebra, Puerto Rico
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