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Patterns of parrotfish predation on Orbicella annularis and coral tissue regeneration from bite scars on the Caribbean islands of St. Croix and Bonaire from 2018-07-02 to 2019-08-24 (NCEI Accession 0213589)
To determine the patterns and thresholds of tissue regeneration in Orbicella annularis coral colonies from parrotfish predation, we monitored tissue regeneration of fresh parrotfish bite scars on O. annularis colonies over time across two Caribbean island...
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Parrotfish surveys and paired coral and parrotfish coral predation surveys conducted in the Caribbean Sea and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary from 2013-07-02 to 2019-09-11 (NCEI Accession 0293333)
Data associated with the publication 'Ecological drivers of parrotfish coral predation vary across spatial scales', comparing parrotfish coral predation intensity as it relates to parrotfish density/biomass, coral cover, and other ecological variables fro...
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Mapping Seafloor Relative Reflectance and Assessing Coral Reef Morphology with EAARL-B Topobathymetric Lidar Waveforms
Topobathymetric lidar is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for benthic habitat mapping, enabling safe, efficient data acquisition over coral reefs and other fragile ecosystems. In 2014, a novel topobathymetric lidar system, the Experimental Advanced ...
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Grouper population assessment within bank hardbottom habitats of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands [electronic resource] / prepared by Philippe A. Mayor.
"Groupers have been an important commercial fish species in the US Virgin Islands. However, within the past decades several of the grouper populations have crashed and consequently there has been a shift in the fish community composition. Using a fisheryi...
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Diversity and Disease: The Effects of Coral Diversity on Prevalence and Impacts of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) was first observed in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) in January 2019. This disease affects at least 20 scleractinian coral species; however, it is not well understood how reef diversity affects its spread or...
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Coral growth, bioerosion, and secondary accretion of living orbicellid corals from mesophotic reefs in the US Virgin Islands
Growth rates of the major Caribbean reef framework-building coral Orbicella spp. decrease with increasing water depth and light attenuation. However, reliable, spatially distributed growth rates for corals deeper than 30 m are rare, and the combined influ...
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3D Photogrammetry Reveals Dynamics of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) Lesion Progression Across a Thermal Stress Event
Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) was first observed in the United States Virgin Islands in January 2019 on a reef at Flat Cay off the island of St. Thomas. A year after its emergence, the disease had spread to several reefs around St. Thomas causin...
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Effects of Watershed Erosion Control on Land-Based Sources of Pollution to Coral Reefs in RCP Priority Sites
"This project extended our previous ARRA and NOAA CRC funded sediment monitoring work in St. John, USVI over another field season (7/11-3/12) and included assessments of trace metal transport from ridge to reef and water quality. Our aim was to make spati...
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St. Croix East End Marine Park Summary of Support (2014-2015)
"The St. Croix East End Marine Park (STXEEMP) was established to protect territorially significant marine resources, and promote sustainability of marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, sea grass beds, wildlife habitats and other resources, and to cons...
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Marker Buoy Maintenance Plan for St. Croix East End Marine Park
"The St. Croix East End Marine Park (STXEEMP), established in 2003 through Act No. 6572, encompasses a wide variety of marine habitats and covers approximately 60 nautical miles. The STXEEMP is a multi-use park including areas designated for recreational ...
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St. Thomas East End Reserves: Implementation of management plan early action steps
"This project, St. Thomas East End Reserves: Implementation of Management Plan Early Action Steps,? successfully enabled two years of implementation of the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) management plan; thereby meeting project objectives to increas...
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"Beneath our crystal waters an invasive predator lurks"
"Beneath our crystal waters an invasive predator lurks, threatening our native fishes, coral reefs and the livelihood of fishermen. The lionfish eats large numbers of juvenile reef fish that keep the corals clean and healthy and that grow into food fish f...
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Towards Predicting coral disease patterns: quantifying coral responses to disease in the US Virgin Islands
"Coral diseases are a major driver of coral decline within reef habitats of the U.S. Virgin Islands, including those within the protective boundaries of federal and territorial reserves. The overall objective of this study is to identify consistent patter...
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Support for Effective Management and Engagement of Stakeholders of USVI Marine Managed Areas
"Building resilience by eliminating or reducing anthropogenic threats is necessary for the recovery of US Virgin Island (USVI) reefs and the services that they provide, which are disappearing. However, in the Caribbean, natural recovery will be slow to oc...
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Evaluating the impact of invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea on settlement, survival, and condition factor of juvenile yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, in St. Thomas, USVI
"Yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, are one of the most commercially important fish species within the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Like many reef fish, juvenile yellowtail snapper rely on seagrass habitats as critical nursery areas prior to a...
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St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) activities guide
"The St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) is a territorial marine protected area which encompasses several existing protected areas (Cas Cay / Mangrove Lagoon, St James, and Compass Point Marine Reserves and Wildlife Sanctuaries) into one comprehensive ma...
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A comparative analysis of sedimentation and water quality in mangrove, shore, bay and reef environments below a developed vs. an undeveloped watershed, St. John, US Virgin Islands
"Our study examined sediments in three reservoirs in the bays: suspended sediments (water samples), settling sediments (sediment traps) and accumulated sediments (bay-floor benthic surface samples). In addition we have measured marine water quality and ou...
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Factors affecting land-based sedimentation in coastal bays, US Virgin Islands
"In the US Virgin Islands, land-based sources of pollution including sediment and storm-water runoff are one of the primary causes of coral reef degradation. Watershed development, especially the building of dirt roads, has increased the land-based (terri...
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Assessment of the impact of watershed restoration on marine sedimentation in the USVI
"This is the first study to use a high resolution monitoring to directly compare turbidity and deposition data collected from below developed and minimally developed watersheds, and to separate resuspension induced turbidity and deposition from runoffindu...
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Linkages between habitats are essential for reef fishes
"In coral reef ecosystems, numerous habitat types support key life stages of juvenile fishery species and other nekton (mobile fishes, shrimps, crabs, and lobsters). Seagrass beds, mangroves, sand and mud bottoms, algal plains, and coral reefs are connect...
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STEER: St. Thomas East End Reserves. Update on scientific research
"This report highlights a summary of what has been done, what is the current status and the benefits of the study for three research projects: (1) Characterization of Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Effects in the St. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER);...
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Lionfish response management plan. U.S. Virgin Islands. Update
"This updated territorial Lionfish Response Management Plan addresses the potential ecological and economic threat posed by invasive lionfish with specific strategies for education and outreach, removal, research and monitoring, marketing, and communicati...
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Hurricane Hole, St. John, USVI: corals with a resilient microbiome
"The health of coral reefs worldwide is in decline, but certain reefs exhibit resistance to many global and local stressors. We aim to study these locations to identify factors within corals that make them resilient. After several bleaching and disease ev...
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Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems: Refugia for Lionfish? Final Report
"Invasive lionfish have caused significant changes to Atlantic coral reef structure and function due to their novel predatory impacts on ecologically important fishes. However, management solutions to control these invasive predators have been constrained...
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Mesophotic Benthic Habitats and Associated Reef Communities at Lang Bank, St. Croix, USVI
"This research represents an effort towards the characterization of essential fish habitats and associated reef communities from Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands sponsored by NMFS thru the Caribbean Fishery Management Council (CFMC). Since 1993, t...
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