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Downloadable DataPatterns of parrotfish predation on Orbicella annularis and coral tissue regeneration from bite scars on the Caribbean islands of St. Croix and Bonaire from 2018-07-02 to 2019-08-24 (NCEI Accession 0213589)
Downloadable DataParrotfish surveys and paired coral and parrotfish coral predation surveys conducted in the Caribbean Sea and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary from 2013-07-02 to 2019-09-11 (NCEI Accession 0293333)
ResourceMapping Seafloor Relative Reflectance and Assessing Coral Reef Morphology with EAARL-B Topobathymetric Lidar Waveforms
ResourceGrouper population assessment within bank hardbottom habitats of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands [electronic resource] / prepared by Philippe A. Mayor.
ResourceDiversity and Disease: The Effects of Coral Diversity on Prevalence and Impacts of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
ResourceCoral growth, bioerosion, and secondary accretion of living orbicellid corals from mesophotic reefs in the US Virgin Islands
Resource3D Photogrammetry Reveals Dynamics of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) Lesion Progression Across a Thermal Stress Event
ResourceEffects of Watershed Erosion Control on Land-Based Sources of Pollution to Coral Reefs in RCP Priority Sites
ResourceSt. Croix East End Marine Park Summary of Support (2014-2015)
ResourceMarker Buoy Maintenance Plan for St. Croix East End Marine Park
ResourceSt. Thomas East End Reserves: Implementation of management plan early action steps
Resource"Beneath our crystal waters an invasive predator lurks"
ResourceTowards Predicting coral disease patterns: quantifying coral responses to disease in the US Virgin Islands
ResourceSupport for Effective Management and Engagement of Stakeholders of USVI Marine Managed Areas
ResourceEvaluating the impact of invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea on settlement, survival, and condition factor of juvenile yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus, in St. Thomas, USVI
ResourceSt. Thomas East End Reserves (STEER) activities guide
ResourceA comparative analysis of sedimentation and water quality in mangrove, shore, bay and reef environments below a developed vs. an undeveloped watershed, St. John, US Virgin Islands
ResourceFactors affecting land-based sedimentation in coastal bays, US Virgin Islands
ResourceAssessment of the impact of watershed restoration on marine sedimentation in the USVI
ResourceLinkages between habitats are essential for reef fishes
ResourceSTEER: St. Thomas East End Reserves. Update on scientific research
ResourceLionfish response management plan. U.S. Virgin Islands. Update
ResourceHurricane Hole, St. John, USVI: corals with a resilient microbiome
ResourceMesophotic Coral Ecosystems: Refugia for Lionfish? Final Report
ResourceMesophotic Benthic Habitats and Associated Reef Communities at Lang Bank, St. Croix, USVI
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