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Long-term Marine Monitoring Program final report : NA13NOS4820010, award period October 1, 2013- September 30, 2016
Despite multiple transfers of personnel within the monitoring program throughout this award period, the marine monitoring team (MMT) continues to collect ecological data for the CNMI. During this reporting period the MMT managed to conduct 59 biological s...
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Microbial Source Tracking of Fecal Indicating Bacteria in Coral Reef Waters, Recreational Waters, and Groundwater of Saipan by Real-Time Quantitative PCR
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) recently identified the need to improve its capacity for detecting and tracking land-based sources of pollution (LBSP) in coastal waters, particularly microbial contaminants like fecal indicator bact...
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Exploring co-management in Tanapag Village, Saipan, CNMI
From July 2012 through July 2014, a social marketing campaign was designed and implemented by Micronesia Islands Nature Alliance with technical assistance by Rare and financial assistance from Micronesia Conservation Trust to increase knowledge of the rul...
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Coastal use and management at Laolao Bay : a follow-up SEM-Pasifika study of resource users at Laolao Bay Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), September 29 to November 10, 2014
This survey was a follow-up to the initial 2009 baseline assessment to document users' current activities at Laolao Bay and monitor change and to identify existing resource uses, threats and knowledge of damaging activities and their perception of the hea...
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Report on evaluation of conservation benefits tool, Saipan, CNMI
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) developed an evaluation tool for marine protected areas management effectiveness (MPAME) and has begun to implement it in all Micronesia Challenge jurisdictions. The tool has been implemented in Palau, Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kos...
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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Coastal Resource Management Long-term Marine Monitoring Program: Benthic, Coral, Fish, and Macro-Invertebrate surveys from 2019-03-05 to 2020-09-29 (NCEI Accession 0286093)
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands’ Long-term Marine Monitoring Program (LTMMP) has extensively gathered monitoring data across the region. LTMMP divers have collected data from shallow fore reef habitats, seagrass areas, and back reefs. Usi...
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Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) to Coastal Waters of Saipan (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA): Implications for Nitrogen Sources, Transport and Ecological Effects
Seagrass meadows and coral reefs along the coast of Saipan, a US commonwealth in the Northern Pacific, have been declining since the 1940s, possibly due to nutrient loading. This study investigated whether submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) contributes...
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Assessing resistance and recovery in CNMI during and following a bleaching and typhoon event to identify and prioritize resilience drivers and action options
"This project builds upon the first Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) resilience assessment conducted in 2012, where the resilience indicators and the relative weighting of those indicators within the 2012-2015 assessment were based enti...
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CNMI State of the Reef Report 2020-2021
"The State of the Reef report summarizes activities conducted within the long-term marine monitoring program under the Division of Coastal Resources Management from 2020-21. Within the program, the marine monitoring team (MMT) completed > 55 field surv...
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Garapan Watershed Conservation Action Plan
"The Garapan/West Takpochao Conservation Action Plan was first compiled in 2012-2013 and updated in 2015 by Kaitlin Mattos, Watershed Coordinator at the Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality, Office of the Governor, Commonwealth of the Northern Mari...
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CNMI tide calendar 2013. Featuring marine debris: From trash to art
"This tide calendar features the artwork of CNMI students who have created wildlife from marine debris and recyclables. It also promotes putting a stop to marine debris in the waters of CNMI. The tide charts and daily tide predictions were produced and co...
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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of the CNMI Pertinent Laws and Regulations
"This guide is intended to serve as a quick reference for laws and regulations associated with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana islands' (CNMI's) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for natural resource managers and MPA stakeholders alike. It is not int...
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CNMI CAP Review Report
"The Nature Conservancy (TNC) worked with the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) partners to complete a review of the status of the existing CAPs (Laolao Bay, Garapan and Talakhaya watershed) and effectiveness of the planning processes undert...
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Development of a Micronesia Challenge Endowment for CNMI
"The Micronesia Challenge (MC) endowment is currently valued at over 18 million dollars. The full capitalization of the endowment for the MC will provide a targeted, yet flexible and accessible, source of direct finance for conservation initiatives and pr...
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Socioeconomic Monitoring Draft Plan Laolao Bay
"All watersheds in the islands are considered coastal watersheds. Under Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) law, the Coastal Resource Management office (CRM) has regulatory jurisdiction over all lands of the Commonwealth. Laolao Bay is located...
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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' Coral Reef Management Priorities 2019-2029
"The purpose of this Priority Setting document is to articulate a set of updated strategic coral reef management priorities developed in consensus by the coral reef managers in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Potential funders are...
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Ridge to Reef Eco-Camps 2013
"Summer camps were held on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota, throughout July and August 2013. Avra Heller, the DEQ Coral Reef Project Coordinator worked with numerous partners on all three islands to host free environmental camps for 4th and 5th grade students ac...
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Shift from coral to macroalgae dominance on a volcanically acidified reef
"Rising anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere is accompanied by an increase in oceanic CO2 and a concomitant decline in seawater pH. The phenomemon, known as ocean acidification (OA), has been experimentally shown to impact the biology and ecology of numero...
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Keep Talakhaya green and fire free
"This sign was posted by the Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality in cooperation with the Rota Department of Lands and Natural Resources and Rota Forestry. The sign explains that 'If you start a grassfire, you kill plants that protect soil. Loose s...
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The Talakhaya Revegetation Project
"This flyer explains the Revegetation Project. The goals of the project is to restore ecosystem health to the area for the benefit of the people of Rota. The increased interest in the area highlighting the awareness of and negative impacts of wildfires, a...
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Laolao Bay conservation action plan. 2012 Addendum and workplan
"On February 28th, 2012, a working group met at the Pacific Islands Club on Saipan for a day-long workshop to review the Laolao Bay Conservation Action Plan created in 2009 and create a work plan for the 2012-2013 calendar years. Members of participating ...
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Laolao Bay road and coastal management improvement project: Ecological and water quality assessment phase I report: Pre-construction condition report, including an integrated assessment of ecological change since 1991
"Due to an extremely favorable natural environmental setting, Laolao Bay is one of Saipans most desirable coastal areas, with some coral reefs valued at over 10 million dollars per square kilometer based upon a recent economic study. However, in recent ti...
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Coral Reef Initiative Newsletters, 2012 and 2014
"These newsletters highlight the CRI Summer Internship Program and the projects conducted in support of conservation efforts by BECQ, DFW, and MINA. There are also articles regarding the Garapan CAP, the MINA Tasi Watch community rangers, and other waters...
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Long-term marine monitoring program
"Despite being substantially understaffed during most of this award period, the marine monitoring team (MMT) managed to conduct 74 biological surveys at 52 long-term monitoring sites across Saipan, Tinian, Aguigan, and Rota. Standardized data was collecte...
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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Communications Workshop
"The CNMI Communications Workshop was held in January 2013. The impetus for the training was to improve communication among resource management agencies and to aid partner resource management agencies to better communicate their campaigns and messages wit...
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