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ResourceLong-term Marine Monitoring Program final report : NA13NOS4820010, award period October 1, 2013- September 30, 2016
ResourceMicrobial Source Tracking of Fecal Indicating Bacteria in Coral Reef Waters, Recreational Waters, and Groundwater of Saipan by Real-Time Quantitative PCR
ResourceExploring co-management in Tanapag Village, Saipan, CNMI
ResourceCoastal use and management at Laolao Bay : a follow-up SEM-Pasifika study of resource users at Laolao Bay Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), September 29 to November 10, 2014
ResourceReport on evaluation of conservation benefits tool, Saipan, CNMI
Downloadable DataCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Division of Coastal Resource Management Long-term Marine Monitoring Program: Benthic, Coral, Fish, and Macro-Invertebrate surveys from 2019-03-05 to 2020-09-29 (NCEI Accession 0286093)
ResourceSubmarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) to Coastal Waters of Saipan (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA): Implications for Nitrogen Sources, Transport and Ecological Effects
ResourceAssessing resistance and recovery in CNMI during and following a bleaching and typhoon event to identify and prioritize resilience drivers and action options
ResourceCNMI State of the Reef Report 2020-2021
ResourceGarapan Watershed Conservation Action Plan
ResourceCNMI tide calendar 2013. Featuring marine debris: From trash to art
ResourceMarine Protected Areas (MPAs) of the CNMI Pertinent Laws and Regulations
ResourceCNMI CAP Review Report
ResourceDevelopment of a Micronesia Challenge Endowment for CNMI
ResourceSocioeconomic Monitoring Draft Plan Laolao Bay
ResourceCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' Coral Reef Management Priorities 2019-2029
ResourceRidge to Reef Eco-Camps 2013
ResourceShift from coral to macroalgae dominance on a volcanically acidified reef
ResourceKeep Talakhaya green and fire free
ResourceThe Talakhaya Revegetation Project
ResourceLaolao Bay conservation action plan. 2012 Addendum and workplan
ResourceLaolao Bay road and coastal management improvement project: Ecological and water quality assessment phase I report: Pre-construction condition report, including an integrated assessment of ecological change since 1991
ResourceCoral Reef Initiative Newsletters, 2012 and 2014
ResourceLong-term marine monitoring program
ResourceCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Communications Workshop
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