National Coral Reef Monitoring Program
American Samoa: 2021 Socioeconomic Survey

The second cycle of the socioeconomic surveys was conducted from May 17 through September 15, 2021.
Total number of surveys completed: 1,318

Vatia Village, American SamoaVatia Village, American Samoa (Photo: NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program)


In 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conducted the first-ever National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) resident survey in American Samoa. The survey included information on resident use of coral reefs and knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of coral reefs and management. The survey has helped NOAA and stakeholders in American Samoa improve coral reef conservation programs and the services reefs provide for communities, and inform continuing research and communication products.

Project Status:

The second cycle of socioeconomic surveys was conducted from May 17 through September 15, 2021. Household residents from twenty randomly selected villages in Tutuila and the Manu’a islands participated in the survey, and a total of 1,318 surveys were completed. The research team thanks all residents who were able to participate in the survey, as well as the dedicated team of surveyors who made this research possible. The research team is currently analyzing data and developing information products.

Villages randomly selected to participate:

  • Aasu
  • Afao
  • Alao
  • Aoa
  • Aua
  • Faga'alu
  • Fagasa
  • Fagatogo
  • Ili'ili
  • Lauli'i
  • Mapusagafou
  • Masausi
  • Mesepa
  • Ofu
  • Pago Pago
  • Poloa
  • Sa'ilele
  • Tafuna
  • Vailoatai
  • Vaitogi
Map of villages randomly selected to participate in the NCRMP socioeconomic survey.Map of villages randomly selected to participate in the NCRMP socioeconomic survey. The color scale corresponds to villages in different strata.

General Timeline:

The general project timeline for the 2021 American Samoa Socioeconomic Survey is listed below

  • March - June 2020: Partner engagement
  • April - August 2020: Subcontractor hired
  • June - July 2020: Office of Management and Budget survey review and approval [1]
  • November 2020: Survey translation
  • Early 2021: Surveyor recruitment
  • March 2021: Surveyor training
  • April 2021: Office of Samoan Affairs (OSA) meeting
  • May - August 2021: Data collection
  • September 2021 - January 2022: Data quality assurance and control
  • February - December 2022: Data analyses, data archived, report writing
  • January - March 2023: Review and revisions of report
  • March - April 2023: Report findings to partners, OSA, and the Coral Reef Advisory Group; final report and infographics posted


The NCRMP socioeconomic team would like to acknowlege the following groups and organizations for their assistance in implementing the 2021 American Samoa Socioeconomic Survey.

For more information, contact:, NCRMP Socioeconomic Lead, Coral Program Management Liaison to American Samoa


[1]The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires Federal agencies to obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget each time they collect or sponsor the collection of information. Surveys must go through a rigorous review process that may include multiple reviews and require many months to be approved.