National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Hawai'i Infographics

The Socioeconomic Component of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Plan (NCRMP) gathers and monitors a collection of socioeconomic variables with the overall goal of tracking relevant information regarding each jurisdiction's population, social and economic structure, the impacts of society on coral reefs, and the impacts of coral management on communities.

Why Care about Coral Reefs?

Hawkfish and corals off the coast of the Hawaiian IslandsHawkfish and corals off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands [Photo Credit: NOAA]

Coral reefs provide many benefits to communities, regions, nations, and the world at large. They protect many marine species, and provide a significant source of protein to people all over the world, in addition to producing natural compounds that scientists have used to develop treatments for illness and disease. Coral reefs also act as natural barriers to coastal storms and aid in the protection of our coasts and coastal communities, as well as economically supporting local and global communities. Coral reefs and their protected beaches provide an attractive setting for travelers and locals, alike, and between the tourism industry and fisheries, coral reefs generate billions of dollars and millions of jobs in more than 100 countries around the world.

Why Care about Coral Reef Communities?

Coral reef habitat off the coast of the Hawaiian IslandsCoral reef habitat off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands [Photo Credit: NOAA]

People are very much a part of coral reef ecosystems, and their connections can have lasting impacts. Because of this, NCRMP gathers data from coral reef communities about:

  • Public knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions about coral reefs
  • Participation in coral reef activities, such as fishing
  • Economic and cultural value of coral reefs
  • Community well-being
  • Population changes and the distribution of people in coral reef locations

Hawaiian beach Hawaiian beach [Photo credit: Jarrod Loerzel]

Researchers collect data through periodic surveys that include standardized questions, as well as questions specific to local management needs. Data from sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau and local government agencies supplement these results. In addition to using this information for conservation and restoration efforts, scientists and communities use these data to measure social and economic conditions and document how people use and perceive coral reef resources.

Hawai'i Trends

2020 Trends Infographic for Hawai'i NCRMP Socio-economic Monitoring ProgramCoral Reefs and Coastal Communities - Trends from Socioeconomic Surveying in Hawai'i

Trends in NCRMP socioeconomic data from Hawai'i's first (2015) and second (2020) monitoring cycles are highlighted in this infographic. The trends shown are based on surveys of residents in the Main Hawaiian Islands. The infographic shows how there have been some changes in residents' participation in coral reef activities, perceptions of resource conditions, importance of coral reefs, familiarity with threats, and support for management.

2020 Hawai'i Survey

Connections between Coral Reefs and Coastal Communities – Hawaii Connections between Coral Reefs and Coastal Communities – Hawaii

Results of the 2020 NCRMP socioeconomic monitoring of Hawai'i are shown here in this infographic. Using a random sampling methodology, the survey targeted individuals aged 18 and older on the islands of Hawai'i (further stratified by East and West), Kaua'i, Maui, and O'ahu. Surveys were conducted online and by telephone, and were available in English. A total of 2,700 surveys were completed with a response rate of 11.5%. All results are representative of the Main Hawaiian Islands.

2015 Hawai'i Survey

Connections between Coral Reefs and Coastal Communities – HawaiiConnections Between Reefs and Coastal Communities - Hawai'i

Results of the 2015 NCRMP socioeconomic monitoring of Hawaii are shown here in this infographic. They highlight Hawaiians’ perceptions, values, and level of support for Hawaiian coral reef management alternatives.

Using a stratified random sampling approach, this survey targeted individuals over the age of 18 who lived on the islands of Hawai'i, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai and Lanai. Surveys were conducted by telephone, using the random digit dial survey method, and were available in English. Surveying resulted in 2,240 completed interviews. Residents were sampled proportionate to the total population on each island. As a result, the results are representative of Hawai'i.

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