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ResourceShallow-water benthic habitats of the Republic of Palau [electronic resource] / [authors, Tim Battista, Bryan Costa, Miles Anderson].
ResourceMarine protected areas.
ResourceThe state of coral reef ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States / by Donna D. Turgeon ... [et al.] ; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in cooperation with partners from Federal, State, Territorial, and Commonwealth agencies, and the Pacific Freely Associated States.
ResourceKeeping live corals and invertebrates / Robert P. L. Straughan.
ResourceProceedings, fourth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference : Bangkok, Thailand, 28 November-4 December, 1993, systematics and evolution of Indo-Pacific fishes.
ResourceAtlas of the shallow-water benthic habitats of the main Hawaiian Islands. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, Biogeography branch.
ResourceWestern Pacific indigenous fishing communities / by Charles Ka'ai'ai.
ResourceProtected species conservation by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council / by Asuka Ishizaki.
ResourceReefs at risk : a map-based indicator of threats to the world's coral reefs / Dirk Bryant ... [et al.] ; contributing authors, Maria Carmen Ablan ... [et al.].
ResourceCoral reefs : research methods / edited by D.R. Stoddart and R.E. Johannes.
ResourceClimate change : impact on coastal habitation / edited by Doeke Eisma.
ResourceReef fishes of the Sea of Cortez : the rocky-shore fishes of the Gulf of California / Donald A. Thomson, Lloyd T. Findley, Alex N. Kerstitch ; illustrated by Alex N. Kerstitch ... [et al.].
ResourceBenthic habitats of the main Hawaiian Islands [electronic resource] / Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, Biogeography Program.
ResourceThe epizootiology of coral diseases in south Florida / by Deborah L. Santavy ... [et al.].
ResourceCoral reefs of the southern Gulf of Mexico / edited by John W. Tunnell, Jr., Ernesto A. Chavez, and Kim Withers ; foreword by Sylvia Earle.
ResourceMarine conservation biology : the science of maintaining the sea's biodiversity / edited by Elliott A. Norse and Larry B. Crowder ; foreword by Michael E. Soule.
ResourceCoral reef restoration handbook / edited by William F. Precht.
ResourceRemote sensing of aquatic coastal ecosystem processes : science and management applications / edited by Laurie L. Richardson and Ellsworth F. LeDrew.
ResourcePriority ocean areas for protection in the mid-Atlantic : findings of NRDC's Marine Habitat Workshop / project directors, Lisa Speer, Sarah Chasis ; principal author, Sharene Azimi ; geographical information systems specialist, Joep Luijten.
ResourceReef life : natural history and behaviors of marine fishes and invertebrates / text by Denise Nielsen Tackett ; photographs by Denise Nielsen Tackett & Larry Tackett. ; foreword by Ronald L. Shimek.
ResourceReef madness : Charles Darwin, Alexander Agassiz, and the meaning of coral / David Dobbs.
ResourceEarly stages of Atlantic fishes : an identification guide for the western central North Atlantic / edited by William J. Richards.
ResourceLichomolgid copepods (Cyclopoida) associated with fungiid corals (Scleractinia) in the Moluccas / Arthur G. Humes.
ResourceRapport de la deuxieme consultation technique du CGPM sur le corail rouge de la Mediterranee : Torre del Greco, Italie, 27-30 septembre 1988 = Report of the second GFCM Technical Consultation on Red Coral of the Mediterranean : Torre del Greco, Italy, 27-30 September 1988.
ResourceCatalog of the type specimens of stony corals (Milleporidae, Stylasteridae, Scleractinia) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution / Stephen D. Cairns.
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