{ "title" : "CoRIS Geoportal GeoRSS.", "description" : "Most recently updated metadata documents.", "copyright" : "", "provider" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search", "updated" : "2024-07-03T03:31:09Z", "source" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?f=pjson&max=25&searchText=Faga%27alu&start=1", "more" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?f=pjson&max=25&searchText=Faga%27alu&start=11", "totalResults" : 59, "startIndex" : 1, "itemsPerPage" : 25, "records" : [ { "title" : "Benthic Surveys in Faga'alu, American Samoa: benthic images collected during belt transect surveys in 2012 and 2015", "id" : "{A683B96A-819B-4841-A9EC-D882F160E9BC}", "updated" : "2022-05-05T10:26:23Z", "summary" : "The data described herein are part of a NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) funded project aimed at establishing baseline data for coral demographics and benthic cover and composition via Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) surveys conducted by the ...", "bbox" : [-170.6808019, -14.29325329, -170.6787708, -14.28890124], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.6808019,-14.29325329], [-170.6808019,-14.28890124], [-170.6787708,-14.28890124], [-170.6787708,-14.29325329], [-170.6808019,-14.29325329] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/917\/Fagaalu_TM_CRCP_23_DOI_Cover_200.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0146682", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BA683B96A-819B-4841-A9EC-D882F160E9BC%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BA683B96A-819B-4841-A9EC-D882F160E9BC%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic Surveys in Faga'alu, American Samoa: benthic images collected during belt transect surveys in 2020 (NCEI Accession 0259389)", "id" : "{D93955B4-83C4-473C-9BCC-C1CE409B5B67}", "updated" : "2022-09-15T22:56:08Z", "summary" : "The benthic images provided here are part of the CRCP-funded project aimed at establishing baseline Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) surveys for coral reef benthic cover and composition at Faga'alu Bay, Tutuila, American Samoa. In 2020, the survey implem...", "bbox" : [-170.681125, -14.293791, -170.672613, -14.28678], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.681125,-14.293791], [-170.681125,-14.28678], [-170.672613,-14.28678], [-170.672613,-14.293791], [-170.681125,-14.293791] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0259389", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0259389", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BD93955B4-83C4-473C-9BCC-C1CE409B5B67%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BD93955B4-83C4-473C-9BCC-C1CE409B5B67%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Faga'alu watershed PLA resource map", "id" : "{1C0C8D42-D0E6-480F-806F-9A19CD502848}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:04:46Z", "summary" : "This map was generated from the PLA Watershed Workshop for Faga'alu Village using the resource mapping tool.", "bbox" : [-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-180.0,-90.0], [-180.0,90.0], [180.0,90.0], [180.0,-90.0], [-180.0,-90.0] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/20767_Leau\/Fagaalu_Watershed_Resource_Map_PLA_2011.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B1C0C8D42-D0E6-480F-806F-9A19CD502848%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B1C0C8D42-D0E6-480F-806F-9A19CD502848%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral demographics data (adult and juvenile corals) from belt transect surveys in Faga'alu, American Samoa from 2013-04-01 to 2013-04-10 and from 2015-10-29 to 2015-11-11 (NCEI Accession 0169727)", "id" : "{FB10147A-DC64-44FB-9D52-587A709DF405}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:05:13Z", "summary" : "The data described here were collected in Faga'alu, American Samoa in 2013 and 2015 via belt transect surveys of coral demography (adult and juvenile corals) by the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP) according to protocols established by the NOAA Na...", "bbox" : [-170.681, -14.2952, -170.673, -14.287], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.681,-14.2952], [-170.681,-14.287], [-170.673,-14.287], [-170.673,-14.2952], [-170.681,-14.2952] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0169727", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0169727", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BFB10147A-DC64-44FB-9D52-587A709DF405%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BFB10147A-DC64-44FB-9D52-587A709DF405%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Faga'alu watershed plan implementation supplement", "id" : "{8042C09D-A615-4869-93D7-CDB308B4F11F}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:24:40Z", "summary" : "The purpose of this supplement is to provide additional information on watershed restoration projects and activities to support implementation of the 2012 Faga'alu Village Watershed projects and activities to support implementation of the 2012 Faga'alu Vi...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/989", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B8042C09D-A615-4869-93D7-CDB308B4F11F%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B8042C09D-A615-4869-93D7-CDB308B4F11F%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Status and Trends: Faga'alu, American Samoa Sediment Contaminants Data", "id" : "{0C825BE3-85EE-4785-BD29-BDB1C62BA7A5}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T14:43:54Z", "summary" : "Worldwide coral reefs are being threatened by a range of human activities. Sedimentation, overfishing, global climate change, ship groundings, pathogens and pollution are some of the major human-related stressors impacting coral reefs. Land based source...", "bbox" : [-170.693, -14.2926303124, -170.677878088, -14.2881], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.693,-14.2926303124], [-170.693,-14.2881], [-170.677878088,-14.2881], [-170.677878088,-14.2926303124], [-170.693,-14.2926303124] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/products.coastalscience.noaa.gov\/collections\/ltmonitoring\/nsandt\/", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=242", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B0C825BE3-85EE-4785-BD29-BDB1C62BA7A5%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B0C825BE3-85EE-4785-BD29-BDB1C62BA7A5%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic cover derived from photo transects in Faga'alu, American Samoa from 2015-10-29 to 2015-11-11 (NCEI Accession 0169725)", "id" : "{08FC159D-1F50-4CCD-A432-A59994DF4A3E}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:05:12Z", "summary" : "The benthic cover data described herein were generated by the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP) from the quantitative analysis of photoquadrat benthic images using image analysis software, whereby random points are projected on each image and the b...", "bbox" : [-170.681, -14.2948, -170.674, -14.287], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.681,-14.2948], [-170.681,-14.287], [-170.674,-14.287], [-170.674,-14.2948], [-170.681,-14.2948] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0169725", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0169725", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B08FC159D-1F50-4CCD-A432-A59994DF4A3E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B08FC159D-1F50-4CCD-A432-A59994DF4A3E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic Surveys in Faga'alu, American Samoa: benthic cover derived from analysis of benthic images collected during belt transect surveys of coral demography from 2020-01-15 to 2020-01-24 (NCEI Accession 0259709)", "id" : "{44E02E45-0557-42A4-A870-7E944A10249B}", "updated" : "2024-01-17T09:13:28Z", "summary" : "The benthic cover data described herein were generated by the NOAA Ecosystem Sciences Division (former Coral Reef Ecosystem Program, CREP) from the quantitative analysis of photoquadrat benthic images using the image analysis software CoralNet, whereby ra...", "bbox" : [-170.681125, -14.293791, -170.672613, -14.28678], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.681125,-14.293791], [-170.681125,-14.28678], [-170.672613,-14.28678], [-170.672613,-14.293791], [-170.681125,-14.293791] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0259709", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0259709", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B44E02E45-0557-42A4-A870-7E944A10249B%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B44E02E45-0557-42A4-A870-7E944A10249B%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral data from belt transect surveys in Fagaʻalu, American Samoa from 2012-03-28 to 2012-03-30 and from 2012-08-12 to 2012-08-16 (NCEI Accession 0169729)", "id" : "{50EC3ADF-322D-4EA9-AD19-0AC5304C277B}", "updated" : "2023-05-27T20:49:59Z", "summary" : "The data described here were collected in Fagaʻalu, American Samoa in March and August 2012 via belt transect surveys of corals by the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP). At a survey site, divers deployed two 25-m transects to gather information on ...", "bbox" : [-170.681, -14.2952, -170.673, -14.2871], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.681,-14.2952], [-170.681,-14.2871], [-170.673,-14.2871], [-170.673,-14.2952], [-170.681,-14.2952] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0169729", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0169729", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B50EC3ADF-322D-4EA9-AD19-0AC5304C277B%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B50EC3ADF-322D-4EA9-AD19-0AC5304C277B%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic cover derived from line-point intercept (LPI) surveys in Faga'alu, American Samoa from 2012-08-14 to 2012-08-16 (NCEI Accession 0169728)", "id" : "{2764EC71-3540-4014-BAB7-812EF9BA9049}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:05:13Z", "summary" : "The data described here were collected in Faga'alu, American Samoa in August 2012 via line-point intercept (LPI) surveys by the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP). At each survey site, a SCUBA diver quantitatively documented the benthic composition ...", "bbox" : [-170.681, -14.2933, -170.679, -14.2889], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.681,-14.2933], [-170.681,-14.2889], [-170.679,-14.2889], [-170.679,-14.2933], [-170.681,-14.2933] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0169728", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0169728", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B2764EC71-3540-4014-BAB7-812EF9BA9049%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B2764EC71-3540-4014-BAB7-812EF9BA9049%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Faga'alu Village watershed management and conservation plan : American Samoa, 2012-2013", "id" : "{EA1EC5AA-0542-408F-B458-856B03694C50}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:23:51Z", "summary" : "This village plan for watershed management in Faga'alu was developed by the village community , in collaboration with local and federal resource partners using information collected from community workshop and participatory tools used to identify key thre...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/727", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BEA1EC5AA-0542-408F-B458-856B03694C50%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BEA1EC5AA-0542-408F-B458-856B03694C50%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Stream discharge, turbidity, and suspended sediment concentration in Faga'alu watershed, American Samoa from 2012-01-12 to 2016-11-15 (NCEI Accession 0191818)", "id" : "{F22CE129-36C4-4C2B-A141-B060ECDAFCB1}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:06:40Z", "summary" : "Data on water level (stage), turbidity (T), and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were collected in the Faga'alu watershed in American Samoa from 2012-2016. Stage data were combined with a rating curve to calculate discharge (Q, m3\/s). Monitoring s...", "bbox" : [-170.694, -14.2914, -170.685, -14.2882], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.694,-14.2914], [-170.694,-14.2882], [-170.685,-14.2882], [-170.685,-14.2914], [-170.694,-14.2914] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0191818", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0191818", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BF22CE129-36C4-4C2B-A141-B060ECDAFCB1%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BF22CE129-36C4-4C2B-A141-B060ECDAFCB1%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Watershed and coastal mapping mapbook : Utulei, Faga'alu, Fatumafuti, 2014", "id" : "{17C39768-9CBF-40A8-ADC0-255431C79017}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:25:08Z", "summary" : "This map book contains cartographic products derived from the American Samoa Watershed and Coastal Mapping project for Fatumafuti, Faga'alu, and Utulei villages, conducted in American Samoa in January 2014. These maps are based on information gathered thr...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/11378", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B17C39768-9CBF-40A8-ADC0-255431C79017%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B17C39768-9CBF-40A8-ADC0-255431C79017%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Baseline assessment of contamination in Faga'alu Bay: January 17th to January 24th, 2014", "id" : "{8A23963A-F951-459B-89F1-9931BEC6573A}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:45Z", "summary" : "\"Faga'alu watershed and Bay, located on the south shore of American Samoa near Pago Pago Harbor, was designated in 2012 by the US Coral Reef Task Force (USCRTF) as a priority watershed for the USCRTF Watershed Partnership Initiative. Significant scientifi...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/917\/Mission_Report_Fagaalu_Jan_2014_Whitall_and_Holst.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B8A23963A-F951-459B-89F1-9931BEC6573A%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B8A23963A-F951-459B-89F1-9931BEC6573A%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Baseline surveys for coral reef community structure and demographics in Vatia and Faga'alu Bay, American Samoa", "id" : "{8DA91FF8-D2D6-4D94-925F-54E5F9FEDEF9}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:25:52Z", "summary" : "This report describes the results of baseline assessment surveys for coral reef benthic structure, coral community demographics, and health condition conducted in Vatia Bay and Faga'alu Bay, American Samoa, by the Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP) of NO...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/17369", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B8DA91FF8-D2D6-4D94-925F-54E5F9FEDEF9%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B8DA91FF8-D2D6-4D94-925F-54E5F9FEDEF9%7D", "type" : "metadata" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/doi.org\/10.7289\/V5\/SP-PIFSC-18-002", "type" : "customLink" } ] }, { "title" : "Memorandum, date 8\/30\/12, to Kathy Chaston, Steve Frano, and Fatima Sauafea-Leau (NOAA), Faamao Asalele, Christianera Tuitele, Kuka Matavao (AS-EPA), Marvis Vaiaga'e (AS DOC), Uso Lago'o (Faga'alu), and George Poysky (Samoa Maritime), from Horsley Witten Group, Inc. (HW) and the Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. (CWP), Re, corrective action plan for the Faga'alu Quarry.", "id" : "{5110D985-DC32-480E-B3D9-CD2521DD8C06}", "updated" : "2020-09-19T19:20:35Z", "summary" : "\"This memorandum describes a proposed Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Corrective Action Plan to reduce sediment loading associated with groundwater seeps and stormwater runoff at the Faga'alu quarry site. The Faga'alu quarry is located at the upper ter...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/636\/120830_FagaaluQuarryDesignMemo_wappend.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B5110D985-DC32-480E-B3D9-CD2521DD8C06%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B5110D985-DC32-480E-B3D9-CD2521DD8C06%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic Surveys in Faga'alu, American Samoa: comprehensive assessment of coral demography (adult and juvenile corals) from belt transect surveys from 2020-01-15 to 2020-01-24 (NCEI Accession 0240418)", "id" : "{40E6F9AB-03DD-4214-A21B-CED9DBF3B2C1}", "updated" : "2021-09-10T12:04:38Z", "summary" : "The data described here result from benthic coral demographic surveys within belt transects of specified length and width for two life stages (juveniles and adults) in Faga’alu, American Samoa in 2020. The data provide information on adult coral colony co...", "bbox" : [-170.68113, -14.29379, -170.67261, -14.28678], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.68113,-14.29379], [-170.68113,-14.28678], [-170.67261,-14.28678], [-170.67261,-14.29379], [-170.68113,-14.29379] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0240418", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0240418", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B40E6F9AB-03DD-4214-A21B-CED9DBF3B2C1%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B40E6F9AB-03DD-4214-A21B-CED9DBF3B2C1%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Baseline assessment of Faga'alu Watershed : a ridge to reef assessment in support of sediment reduction activities and future evaluation of their success", "id" : "{4730B930-43DC-427B-A016-4B1E7415344B}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:24:48Z", "summary" : "The primary purpose of this document is to provide local and federal partners with baseline information and survey methods to allow for continued monitoring efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of management actions taken at the Samoa Maritime quarry in ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/8439", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B4730B930-43DC-427B-A016-4B1E7415344B%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B4730B930-43DC-427B-A016-4B1E7415344B%7D", "type" : "metadata" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/doi.org\/10.7289\/V5BK19C3", "type" : "customLink" } ] }, { "title" : "Inter-disciplinary study of flow dynamics and sedimentation effects on coral colonies in Faga'alu Bay, American Samoa : oceanographic investigation summary", "id" : "{0CC12CA2-EA65-4DAF-9F63-6CC60E1F0B3E}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:24:26Z", "summary" : "Water flow in Faga'alu bay was investigated using a year of data collected from in-situ oceanographic equipment. Waves and tides were measured on the forereef and reef flat and the outflow currents were measured in the reef pass. Flow dynamics in the bay ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/915", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B0CC12CA2-EA65-4DAF-9F63-6CC60E1F0B3E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B0CC12CA2-EA65-4DAF-9F63-6CC60E1F0B3E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Baseline Surveys for Coral Reef Community Structure and Demographics in Vatia Bay and Faga'alu Bay, American Samoa", "id" : "{FEEDA93A-4F13-4057-86D3-C4A70E0ABEE5}", "updated" : "2021-12-03T00:09:50Z", "summary" : "\"This report describes the results of baseline assessment surveys for coral reef benthic structure, coral community demographics, and health condition conducted in Vatia Bay and Fagaalu Bay, American Samoa, by the Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP) of NO...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/917\/Vargas-Angel2018_Baseline_Surveys_American_Samoa.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BFEEDA93A-4F13-4057-86D3-C4A70E0ABEE5%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BFEEDA93A-4F13-4057-86D3-C4A70E0ABEE5%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic Surveys in Vatia, American Samoa since 2015: benthic images collected during belt transect surveys in 2015", "id" : "{66BC3D3D-A4C5-48EB-916D-CA5501006C75}", "updated" : "2021-08-22T12:00:42Z", "summary" : "Jurisdictional managers have expressed concerns that nutrients from the village of Vatia, Tutuila, American Samoa, are having an adverse effect on the coral reef ecosystem in Vatia Bay. Excess nutrient loads promote increases in algal growth that can have...", "bbox" : [-170.67402874, -14.250059, -170.66666666667, -14.24323428], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.67402874,-14.250059], [-170.67402874,-14.24323428], [-170.66666666667,-14.24323428], [-170.66666666667,-14.250059], [-170.67402874,-14.250059] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "ftp:\/\/ftp-oceans.ncei.noaa.gov\/nodc\/archive\/arc0094\/0146680\/1.1\/data\/1-data\/", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B66BC3D3D-A4C5-48EB-916D-CA5501006C75%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B66BC3D3D-A4C5-48EB-916D-CA5501006C75%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Socioeconomic survey on the marine environment, pollution, and village adaptive capacity: Vatia, Aunuu and Faga'alu Villages survey results, October and November 2014", "id" : "{77B7DE69-7898-4352-B5ED-2E6C5AF787ED}", "updated" : "2023-09-07T20:41:26Z", "summary" : "\"During October and November, 2014 socioeconomic resident surveys were conducted in three villages on Tutuila Island, American Samoa. The purpose of the survey was to gain a better understanding regarding: archive_bootstrap backup {BASEDIR} bleach_alerts ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/170\/AmSamoaSoc-EconResults-AunuuFagaaluVatia_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NMFS\/PIRO\/Projects\/170\/AmSamoaSoc-EconResults-AunuuFagaaluVatia.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B77B7DE69-7898-4352-B5ED-2E6C5AF787ED%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B77B7DE69-7898-4352-B5ED-2E6C5AF787ED%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "American Samoa Watershed and Coastal Community Data Layers, Utulei, Fagaalu, Fatumafuti 2014", "id" : "{4F325C30-F7BB-4F24-8ED4-5FE07D325BD1}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T14:38:29Z", "summary" : "The Data Layers include the following.Flooding: Regions that flood during heavy rainfall.Intermittent Streams: Areas flow as streams during heavy rainfall.Community drinking Water Sources: Locations where villagers used to collect water for drinking, most...", "bbox" : [-170.721992, -14.307451, -170.651273, -14.266373], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.721992,-14.307451], [-170.721992,-14.266373], [-170.651273,-14.266373], [-170.651273,-14.307451], [-170.721992,-14.307451] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/data\/NOAA\/nmfs\/169\/AS%20Watershed%20and%20Coastal%20Data.gdb.zip", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B4F325C30-F7BB-4F24-8ED4-5FE07D325BD1%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B4F325C30-F7BB-4F24-8ED4-5FE07D325BD1%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Building and promoting community stewardship to take ownership and responsibility in managing their resources from land to reefs", "id" : "{BCBC3F7E-5D73-4E0E-9D8E-F4B85524934E}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:00Z", "summary" : "\"On June 24th and 25th, 2011, a PLA (participatory, learning and action) community workshop was carried out by NOAA PIRO field staff with support from partners of the Land-based Sources of Pollution Local Action Strategy (LBSP-LAS) group. Approximately 15...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/728\/Fagaalu_PLA_project_report_FSLeau.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BBCBC3F7E-5D73-4E0E-9D8E-F4B85524934E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BBCBC3F7E-5D73-4E0E-9D8E-F4B85524934E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Reef fish and benthic marine surveys in Faga'alu and Vatia watersheds, Tutuila, American Samoa : depth-stratified random biological monitoring surveys conducted by NOAA 4-6 April 2012", "id" : "{F21C4123-2226-4CDA-98A4-B4C92F3738E1}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:24:03Z", "summary" : "In 2012, staff of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) of the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center surveyed the bays fed by these priority watersheds with the same methods used in the long-term Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/796", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BF21C4123-2226-4CDA-98A4-B4C92F3738E1%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BF21C4123-2226-4CDA-98A4-B4C92F3738E1%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] } ] }