{ "title" : "CoRIS Geoportal GeoRSS.", "description" : "Most recently updated metadata documents.", "copyright" : "", "provider" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search", "updated" : "2024-07-03T03:40:44Z", "source" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?f=pjson&max=25&searchText=%22Cabo+Rojo%22&start=1", "more" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?f=pjson&max=25&searchText=%22Cabo+Rojo%22&start=11", "totalResults" : 40, "startIndex" : 1, "itemsPerPage" : 25, "records" : [ { "title" : "The Cabo Rojo Conservation Plan", "id" : "{4116025F-6A60-4BDB-B6FF-1CC68B234D23}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:01:13Z", "summary" : "\"This Cabo Rojo Conservation Plan has been developed to guide conservation activities to protect the system of coastal and marine resources of southwest Puerto Rico including seagrass beds, coral reef communities, mangroves and associated marine and coast...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA09NOS4190173\/Puerto_Rico\/PR_TNC_Cabo_Rojo_Conservation_Plan_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA09NOS4190173\/Puerto_Rico\/PR_TNC_Cabo_Rojo_Conservation_Plan.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B4116025F-6A60-4BDB-B6FF-1CC68B234D23%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B4116025F-6A60-4BDB-B6FF-1CC68B234D23%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Developing a watershed action plan for Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico", "id" : "{B24DCB17-BA32-4A0C-9C68-468F5DF50F2E}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:04:48Z", "summary" : "\"Develop a watershed management plan to identify goals for coral reef health in Cabo Rojo and priority projects and actions to meet these goals.\"", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NFWF\/NA10NOS4630103_Final_Reports\/38943_forweb.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BB24DCB17-BA32-4A0C-9C68-468F5DF50F2E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BB24DCB17-BA32-4A0C-9C68-468F5DF50F2E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Cabo Rojo community watershed action plan for water quality and coral reefs", "id" : "{2A6D6056-7CDC-4F31-AF38-6C7E1C83A7C4}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:16Z", "summary" : "\"This watershed plan represents the culmination of the watershed planning process in Cabo Rojo. The goal of the watershed plan is to help chart a course for the improvement of water quality and coral reefs and to serve the goals of the citizens of the Cab...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NFWF\/NA10NOS4630131\/CaboRojoWMP_Rev_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NFWF\/NA10NOS4630131\/CaboRojoWMP_Rev.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B2A6D6056-7CDC-4F31-AF38-6C7E1C83A7C4%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B2A6D6056-7CDC-4F31-AF38-6C7E1C83A7C4%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Results of the evaluations from the fishers workshops held in El Seco (Mayaguez), La Parguera (Lajas), Puerto Real (Cabo Rojo), and Boqueron Yacht Club (Cabo Rojo), Puerto Rico.", "id" : "{ED94553A-17FE-4C6E-8957-A16CCD1056E0}", "updated" : "2020-02-19T14:18:01Z", "summary" : "", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BED94553A-17FE-4C6E-8957-A16CCD1056E0%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BED94553A-17FE-4C6E-8957-A16CCD1056E0%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "The Cabo Rojo Project: Human use mapping and priority areas for conservation", "id" : "{CEABFFD3-592C-4ACE-A08E-83F6F0231F1D}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:01:59Z", "summary" : "\"Several steps in coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP) have been carried out for the waters surrounding Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. The step of defining and analyzing existing conditions and how the information related to human uses, human pressures, bi...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA09NOS4190173\/Puerto_Rico\/PR_TNC_Cabo_Rojo_Tech_Rept_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA09NOS4190173\/Puerto_Rico\/PR_TNC_Cabo_Rojo_Tech_Rept.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BCEABFFD3-592C-4ACE-A08E-83F6F0231F1D%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BCEABFFD3-592C-4ACE-A08E-83F6F0231F1D%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Early action projects for the Cabo Rojo Priority Management Area", "id" : "{33859A83-2A34-463B-88E1-EBCE23EA5079}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:16Z", "summary" : "\"This project will focus on initial project development in the Cabo Rojo watershed to begin to identify key early action projects and potential local or federal sponsors in order to begin to move implementation efforts forward. Ideally early action projec...", "bbox" : [-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-180.0,-90.0], [-180.0,90.0], [180.0,90.0], [180.0,-90.0], [-180.0,-90.0] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA09NOS4190173\/Puerto_Rico\/PR_TNC_Early_Action_Watershed_Projects_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA09NOS4190173\/Puerto_Rico\/PR_TNC_Early_Action_Watershed_Projects.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B33859A83-2A34-463B-88E1-EBCE23EA5079%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B33859A83-2A34-463B-88E1-EBCE23EA5079%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Expanding erosion and sediment control capacity throughout Guanica and Cabo Rojo watersheds, PR", "id" : "{BCFDE794-EB34-46E5-85D1-750FF9281C48}", "updated" : "2024-03-12T20:31:08Z", "summary" : "NOAA CRCP’s has provided funding to regionally adapt and refine erosion and sediment control (E&SC) techniques (e.g., hydroseeding) and build capacity for E&SC across the Guanica watershed. This investment has led to the stabilization of nearly 20 acres w...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BBCFDE794-EB34-46E5-85D1-750FF9281C48%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BBCFDE794-EB34-46E5-85D1-750FF9281C48%7D", "type" : "metadata" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?searchText=projectNumber%3A30034%20OR%20projectTitle%3A\"Expanding%20erosion%20and%20sediment%20control%20capacity%20throughout%20Guanica%20and%20Cabo%20Rojo%20watersheds%2C%20PR\"&start=1&max=10&f=searchPage", "type" : "customLink" } ] }, { "title" : "Expanding Erosion and Sediment Control Capacity throughout Guanica and Cabo Rojo Watersheds, Puerto Rico: Final Report", "id" : "{A430516B-6A97-4993-B593-B6F6FEFF6B8E}", "updated" : "2021-12-03T00:08:47Z", "summary" : "\"Land cover disturbances result in reductions in vegetative cover and exposure of bare soils. If left unvegetated these bare soils will erode and lead to significant sediment loads to coral reefs. Highly erodible lands (HELs) and are generally defined by ...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/30034\/ProtectoresdeCuencas2016b_Final_Report.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BA430516B-6A97-4993-B593-B6F6FEFF6B8E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BA430516B-6A97-4993-B593-B6F6FEFF6B8E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Benthic Habitats of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands;\nPhotomosaic of Puerto Rico (Cabo Rojo), 1999", "id" : "{7759ED9D-AE55-4401-86F4-72CAD619E743}", "updated" : "2023-06-29T20:50:38Z", "summary" : "Habitat maps of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands were created\nby visual interpretation of aerial photographs using the Habitat\nDigitizer Extension. Aerial photographs are valuable tools for\nnatural resource managers and researchers since they prov...", "bbox" : [-67.35, 18.3, -67.1, 18.55], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.35,18.3], [-67.35,18.55], [-67.1,18.55], [-67.1,18.3], [-67.35,18.3] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/cdn.coastalscience.noaa.gov\/datasets\/e95\/data\/mosaic\/zip\/caborojo.zip", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/products.coastalscience.noaa.gov\/collections\/benthic\/e95usvi_pr\/default.aspx", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B7759ED9D-AE55-4401-86F4-72CAD619E743%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B7759ED9D-AE55-4401-86F4-72CAD619E743%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "ESI-PR55, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico 2000 (Environmental Sensitivity Index Map)", "id" : "{1AC79527-3DB9-4CEC-9112-AD03CB0E44FF}", "updated" : "2023-06-29T20:56:55Z", "summary" : "Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps are an integral component in oil-spill contingency planning and assessment. They serve as a source of information in the event of an oil spill incident.\nESI maps contain three types of information: shoreline habi...", "bbox" : [-67.25, 17.875, -67.125, 18.0], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.25,17.875], [-67.25,18.0], [-67.125,18.0], [-67.125,17.875], [-67.25,17.875] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/response.restoration.noaa.gov\/esi_download", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/response.restoration.noaa.gov\/esi", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B1AC79527-3DB9-4CEC-9112-AD03CB0E44FF%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B1AC79527-3DB9-4CEC-9112-AD03CB0E44FF%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Informe final del proyecto monitoreo socio-economico en las areas protegidas marinas y costeras de Puerto Rico. Refugio de Vida Silvestre Iris L. Alameda Martinez en Boqueron, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico", "id" : "{46C488EA-FEC8-4EF3-B9CF-29CAC5CF2F4A}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:32Z", "summary" : "\"El Monitoreo Socioeconomico para Areas Marinas Protegidas (SocMon), en el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Iris L. Alameda (RVSILAM), en Boqueron permitio recolectar datos sobre los usos o actividades realizadas y crear un perfil de sus usuarios. Con la recopil...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA07OAR4170504\/Refugio_BoqueronSocMon_FINAL_1-12-11-red_size.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B46C488EA-FEC8-4EF3-B9CF-29CAC5CF2F4A%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B46C488EA-FEC8-4EF3-B9CF-29CAC5CF2F4A%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Evaluacion ambiental medidas de control de erosion y escorrentias Refugio de Vida Silvestre de Boqueron Iris L. Alameda Martinez, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico", "id" : "{30A435AE-77DB-42C9-8951-810597D78F35}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:00:48Z", "summary" : "\"The Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) proposes the draft Control Measures Erosion and Runoff consisting of the creation of five retention ponds on the grounds of Iris L. Alameda Martnez Wildlife Refuge for controlling the discharge...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820005\/Erosion_RunOff_Control_Measures_Cabo_Rojo_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820005\/Erosion_RunOff_Control_Measures_Cabo_Rojo.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B30A435AE-77DB-42C9-8951-810597D78F35%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B30A435AE-77DB-42C9-8951-810597D78F35%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Widespread impacts of land-based source pollution on Southwestern Puerto Rican coral reefs. Appendix A9 to Cabo Rojo Community Watershed Action Plan for Water Quality and Coral Reefs", "id" : "{2EC5D875-DD9A-465C-899B-D161DE03BFBC}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:01:42Z", "summary" : "\"Local coral reef ecosystems across the southwestern Puerto Rico shelf still represent a critical natural resource with invaluable socio-economic significance. However, they were showing unequivocal signs of decline mostly as a result of chronic land-base...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NFWF\/NA10NOS4630131\/CaboRojoWMP_Rev_App_A9_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NFWF\/NA10NOS4630131\/CaboRojoWMP_Rev_App_A9.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B2EC5D875-DD9A-465C-899B-D161DE03BFBC%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B2EC5D875-DD9A-465C-899B-D161DE03BFBC%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral reef communities from natural reserves in Puerto Rico: A quantitative baseline assessment for prospective monitoring programs. Volume 2: Cabo Rojo, La Parguera, Isla Desecheo, Isla de Mona", "id" : "{B1973FC2-C395-4ABD-A973-F55EC1A1E22B}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:01:23Z", "summary" : "\"A baseline quantitative assessment of coral reef communities in natural reserves is one of the priorities of the U.S. Coral Reef Initiative Program (NOAA) for Puerto Rico. This work is intended to serve as the framework of a prospective research program ...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/Reef_Surveys_August2001_Vol_2.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BB1973FC2-C395-4ABD-A973-F55EC1A1E22B%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BB1973FC2-C395-4ABD-A973-F55EC1A1E22B%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Atlas de corales de Cabo Rojo \/ [U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Habitat Conservation Division ; Reefscaping, Inc. ; Comite Caborrojenos Pro Salud y Ambiente, Inc.", "id" : "{781AFDAC-1FBB-4915-AA5B-039AEDFC377E}", "updated" : "2020-02-19T14:17:16Z", "summary" : "", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B781AFDAC-1FBB-4915-AA5B-039AEDFC377E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B781AFDAC-1FBB-4915-AA5B-039AEDFC377E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Literature review : coastal development impacts on coastal and marine resources in Puerto Rico (1970-2006) ; Reported coral mass spawning in Puerto Rico ; & Coastal development projects in Cabo Rojo, Lajas, & Mayaguez, Puerto Rico (1995-1996 & 2004-2005) \/ submitted to: Lisamarie Carrubba ; submitted by: Stephanie Williams.", "id" : "{7B366F34-588D-43AB-B0E2-A36218F74D51}", "updated" : "2021-01-13T19:42:29Z", "summary" : "", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B7B366F34-588D-43AB-B0E2-A36218F74D51%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B7B366F34-588D-43AB-B0E2-A36218F74D51%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Final report : monitoring of coral reef communities from natural reserves in Puerto Rico, 2012-13", "id" : "{2F6EBEE2-48DF-418A-8D93-0981B074594E}", "updated" : "2024-06-21T13:25:18Z", "summary" : "This is the final report corresponding to the 2012-13 annual survey of the Puerto Rico Coral Reef Monitoring Program, sponsored by NOAA and administered by the PR Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (PRDNER). The monitoring program includes ...", "bbox" : [-67.39987, 17.78413, -65.248715, 18.64574], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.39987,17.78413], [-67.39987,18.64574], [-65.248715,18.64574], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-67.39987,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/12685", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B2F6EBEE2-48DF-418A-8D93-0981B074594E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B2F6EBEE2-48DF-418A-8D93-0981B074594E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "NOAA ESRI Grid - NOAA ESRI GRID - 3 m Backscatter Mosaic of Tourmaline Bank, Puerto Rico, Project NF-08-04, UTM 19N NAD83", "id" : "{C2AE325A-24C7-46AA-9D95-F34D3DA57AD9}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T14:45:33Z", "summary" : "This image represents a 3 meter resolution backscatter mosaic of selected portions of seafloor around Tourmaline Bank, Puerto Rico. NOAA's NOS\/NCCOS\/CCMA Biogeography Branch, in collaboration with NOAA vessel Nancy Foster and territory, federal, and priva...", "bbox" : [-67.451302, 18.10299, -67.276009, 18.218745], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.451302,18.10299], [-67.451302,18.218745], [-67.276009,18.218745], [-67.276009,18.10299], [-67.451302,18.10299] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BC2AE325A-24C7-46AA-9D95-F34D3DA57AD9%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BC2AE325A-24C7-46AA-9D95-F34D3DA57AD9%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "NOAA ESRI Grid - 3m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Tourmaline Bank) - Project NF-08-04, , UTM 19N NAD83", "id" : "{630357DB-B051-493F-9C36-CCD3F762FFCC}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T14:45:34Z", "summary" : "This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 3 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Tourmaline Bank in Puerto Rico, derived from data collected in 2008.\n\nNOAA's NOS\/NCCOS\/CCMA Biogeography Branch, in collaboration...", "bbox" : [-67.437992, 18.103166, -67.276422, 18.180974], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.437992,18.103166], [-67.437992,18.180974], [-67.276422,18.180974], [-67.276422,18.103166], [-67.437992,18.103166] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B630357DB-B051-493F-9C36-CCD3F762FFCC%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B630357DB-B051-493F-9C36-CCD3F762FFCC%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "NOAA ESRI Grid - 6m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Tourmaline Bank) - Project NF-08-04, , UTM 19N NAD83", "id" : "{1596C8CC-45CD-4947-9708-857ADD7248CE}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T14:45:34Z", "summary" : "This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 6 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Tourmaline Bank in Puerto Rico, derived from data collected in 2008.\n\nNOAA's NOS\/NCCOS\/CCMA Biogeography Branch, in collaboration...", "bbox" : [-67.442768, 18.103216, -67.277172, 18.204201], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.442768,18.103216], [-67.442768,18.204201], [-67.277172,18.204201], [-67.277172,18.103216], [-67.442768,18.103216] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B1596C8CC-45CD-4947-9708-857ADD7248CE%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B1596C8CC-45CD-4947-9708-857ADD7248CE%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "NOAA ESRI Grid - 9m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Tourmaline Bank) - Project NF-08-04, , UTM 19N NAD83", "id" : "{C0546A06-5677-4153-B249-EE4CA7FAEAAC}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T14:45:34Z", "summary" : "This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 9 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Tourmaline Bank in Puerto Rico, derived from data collected in 2008.\n\nNOAA's NOS\/NCCOS\/CCMA Biogeography Branch, in collaboration...", "bbox" : [-67.451215, 18.104785, -67.278179, 18.218703], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.451215,18.104785], [-67.451215,18.218703], [-67.278179,18.218703], [-67.278179,18.104785], [-67.451215,18.104785] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/coastalscience.noaa.gov\/projects\/detail?key=263", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BC0546A06-5677-4153-B249-EE4CA7FAEAAC%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BC0546A06-5677-4153-B249-EE4CA7FAEAAC%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Elkhorn coral distribution and condition throughout the Puerto Rican Archipelago", "id" : "{39A8FF55-E5AE-4B94-AEB3-648016C17408}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:02Z", "summary" : "We estimated 673 km super(2) of potential habitat for Acropora palmata in Puerto Rico using GIS and measured the distribution, abundance and condition with a random sampling approach at six sites (3 east and 3 west coast MPAs). Average density ranged from...", "bbox" : [-87.994896, 17.78413, -65.248715, 30.476], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-87.994896,17.78413], [-87.994896,30.476], [-65.248715,30.476], [-65.248715,17.78413], [-87.994896,17.78413] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/10306\/acropora_distribute_condition_puerto_rico.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B39A8FF55-E5AE-4B94-AEB3-648016C17408%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B39A8FF55-E5AE-4B94-AEB3-648016C17408%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Socioeconomic surveys of human use, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions in Puerto Rico from 2014-12-08 to 2015-02-20 (NCEI Accession 0161544)", "id" : "{C138CAFD-8DFE-4D8D-A684-1E1941EF0B1A}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:04:09Z", "summary" : "The data in this file comes from a survey of adult residents in Puerto Rico. The survey was conducted for a random stratified sample of households in the nine socioeconomic regions of Aguadilla, Arecibo, Bayamon, Caguas, Carolina, Humacao, Mayaguez, Ponce...", "bbox" : [-67.29056, 17.876597, -65.195872, 18.525643], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.29056,17.876597], [-67.29056,18.525643], [-65.195872,18.525643], [-65.195872,17.876597], [-67.29056,17.876597] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0161544", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0161544", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BC138CAFD-8DFE-4D8D-A684-1E1941EF0B1A%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BC138CAFD-8DFE-4D8D-A684-1E1941EF0B1A%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Socioeconomic Secondary Data (human population, economic impacts of fishing and tourism, community well being, physical infrastructure and governance) in Puerto Rico from 1995 to 2018 (NCEI Accession 0191512)", "id" : "{CE4AEB82-7FB0-4E73-9994-97063AC2B996}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:06:38Z", "summary" : "This dataset is a compilation and synthesis of secondary data in Puerto Rico corresponding to the following topics: Human population changes near coral reefs, Economic impact of coral reef fishing to jurisdiction, Economic impact of dive\/snorkel tourism t...", "bbox" : [-67.29056, 17.876597, -65.195872, 18.525643], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-67.29056,17.876597], [-67.29056,18.525643], [-65.195872,18.525643], [-65.195872,17.876597], [-67.29056,17.876597] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0191512", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0191512", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BCE4AEB82-7FB0-4E73-9994-97063AC2B996%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BCE4AEB82-7FB0-4E73-9994-97063AC2B996%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Near-real-time surface ocean velocities derived from HF radar stations located along coastal waters of North Slope Alaska, Puerto Rico\/Virgin Islands, eastern US\/Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and western US", "id" : "{043CF922-AF39-4070-B12B-1D654829A0FE}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:08:12Z", "summary" : "This archival package contains near-real-time ocean surface velocities, also known as total vector velocities, derived from HF radar stations. The velocities are arranged in a horizontal latitude\/longitude grid. Measured velocities are indicative of the u...", "bbox" : [-163.014867, 17.933367, -62.8876, 71.3789], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-163.014867,17.933367], [-163.014867,71.3789], [-62.8876,71.3789], [-62.8876,17.933367], [-163.014867,17.933367] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:NDBC-HFRadarRTVector", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/iso?id=gov.noaa.nodc:NDBC-HFRadarRTVector", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B043CF922-AF39-4070-B12B-1D654829A0FE%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B043CF922-AF39-4070-B12B-1D654829A0FE%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] } ] }