ResourceWatershed Restoration As A Tool For Improving Coral Reef Resilience Against Climate Change And Other Human Impacts
Environmental stressors in coastal areas threaten the sustainability of marine resources and reduce their resilience to climate change impacts. Accelerated land erosion is a major stressor that leads to increased turbidity and sedimentation on downstream ...
ResourceBomb-produced radiocarbon in the western tropical Pacific Ocean: Guam coral reveals operation-specific signals from the Pacific Proving Grounds
High-resolution radiocarbon (14C) analyses on a coral core extracted from Guam, a western tropical Pacific island, revealed a series of early bomb-produced14C spikes. The typical marine bomb14C sig- nal—phase lagged and attenuated relative to atmospheric r...
ResourceDecadal changes in parrotfish assemblages around reefs of Guam, Micronesia
Modern coral reefs face substantial threats that endanger their capacity to function and provide resources for human populations. Chronic human pressure through exploitation and land-based pollution has led to reef degradation and lower productivity. More...
ResourceSmall tropical islands as hotspots of crustose calcifying red algal diversity and endemism
In the tropics, crustose calcifying red algae (Corallinophycidae and Peyssonneliales; CCRA) are dominant and important reef builders that serve a suite of ecological functions affecting reef health. However, CCRA taxa have historically been overlooked in ...
ResourceApplication of a SWAT Model for Supporting a Ridge-to-Reef Framework in the Pago Watershed in Guam
This study implemented experimental and numerical approaches for supporting the Pago Bay ridge-to-reef management program. Water quality tests for turbidity and inorganic dissolved nitrogen (IDN) were performed using water samples collected from four site...
ResourceComprehensive long-term coral reef monitoring at permanent sites on Guam
Metadata Thumbnail "The Comprehensive Long-term Monitoring at Permanent Sites in Guam project involves the collection of data for a suite of coral reef ecosystem health parameters at several high priority reef sites around the island. Data are collected annually by a team o...
ResourceGuam erosion and sediment control training manual
Metadata Thumbnail "Guam erosion and sediment control (ESC) training for contractors, designers, and site inspectors was held during a workshop in Tumon, Guam, September 10-12, 2012. Participants were each given a copy of the 2012 Guam ESC field guide and a workshop noteboo...
ResourceComprehensive long-term monitoring at permanent sites in Guam. Report of program status and presentation of preliminary baseline data and power analyses results for Tumon Bay, East Agana Bay, and Western Shoals sites
Metadata Thumbnail "This report includes detailed background information of the comprehensive long-term monitoring at permanent sites project; detailed descriptions of each of the monitoring sites; and the results of the initial analyses of baseline data collected at the Tu...
ResourceComprehensive long-term coral reef monitoring at permanent sites on Guam
Metadata Thumbnail "The Comprehensive Long-term Monitoring at Permanent Sites in Guam project involves the regular collection of data for a suite of coral reef ecosystem health parameters at several high priority reef sites around the island. While Guams reefs have been the...
ResourceAn interim report of the Comprehensive Long-term Coral Reef Monitoring at Permanent Sites on Guam project
"This interim report includes summaries of the results of an initial analysis of coral bleaching survey data collected around Guam between 2013 and 2017, UOGML Reef Flat Monitoring Program survey data collected between 2009 and 2018, and mapping and morta...
ResourceGuam Department of Agriculture User Friendly Fishing Regulation Booklet
"The Department of Agriculture developed this User Friendly Regulation Booklet, to better inform local residents, visitors and the fishing community of Guam's fishing laws and regulations to include allowable activities within Guam's 5 Marine Preserves an...
ResourcePublic Outreach and Education Cumulative Progress Report
ResourceEyes of the Reef Corals ID Guide
ResourceGuam erosion and sediment control training report
"This memorandum summarizes a recent Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) training workshop conducted by Horsley Witten Group Inc. (HW) and the Center for Watershed Protection Inc. (CWP) in Guam on September 10-12, 2012 (which included an interagency meetin...
ResourceGuam erosion and sediment control field guide. Version 1.0 for contractors and site inspectors
Metadata Thumbnail "This field guide was adapted from the 2009 CNMI Erosion and Sediment Control Field Guide, CNMI DEQ and was prepared for the Guam Coastal Management Program (GCMP) and the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA). It was designed specifically for contr...
ResourceAssessment of turbidity in the Geus River Watershed in Southern Guam
"In February 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the designation of Manell-Geus Watersheds as a Habitat Focus Area because it is valuable as a natural resource to the coastal community of Merizo. As a Habitat Focus A...
ResourceGuam marine biosecurity action plan
Metadata Thumbnail "While Guam has a fairly diverse marine flora and fauna, this does not necessarily mean it is immune to marine invasions. We already have approximately 100 documented non-native marine species present in Guam. With the relocation of military troops from O...
ResourceGausali: Guam's native flower
Metadata Thumbnail "This poster was produced in cooperation with the Guam Coastal Management Program, Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans, University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability, and NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. It provides information about gausali (B...
ResourceYour trash. Your responsibility
Metadata Thumbnail "This poster was produced in cooperation with the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans, University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability, and Guam Coastal Management Program. It ...
ResourceMan, Land, and Sea. A supplement to the Pacific Daily News
"This supplement to the September 30, 2012 issue of the Pacific Daily News highlights the start of the Guam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program (GCCRMP). This community outreach program trains community members to do monitoring surveys on Guams coral ...
ResourceWhat you need to know about marine invasive species
Metadata Thumbnail "This information brief was produced in cooperation with the Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, Guam Coastal Management Program, and the University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability. It provides information o...
ResourceAdapting to a Changing Climate Workshop Report
In 2010, The Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT) supported the development of community based climate change (CC) adaptation tools for the Micronesia region. To design the most appropriate and useable products, consultants reviewed existing CC adaptation ...
ResourceMicronesia Challenge Workshop Report: Scorecard Development, Marine Protected Area Management Effectiveness Tool Training, and Second Socioeconomic Measures Workshop
"This workshop is one in a series of ongoing meetings of the MC Measures Group. This team has been working together to identify methods by which to measure progress in achieving the goal of effective conservation. Over one week (June 8-13, 2015) represent...
ResourceHuman and natural drivers of coral reef resilience to climate-induced coral bleaching in Guam; identifying potential climate refugia
"This project involved collaboratively working with resource managers in Guam to achieve these two outcomes: 1) increase our knowledge of the human and natural drivers of coral reef resilience to climate-induced coral bleaching in Guam, and 2) guide manag...
ResourceMapping climate resilience and vulnerability for the coral reefs of Guam to aid inprioritizing restoration sites
"Climate vulnerability information is rarely available to reef and fisheries managers as spatial data layers that can be included in management planning and decision-making. Climate vulnerability can be a useful proxy for near and long-term likelihood cor...