ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project : Coral Bay Watershed Management Project. Johnny Horn Trail drainage improvements
The Johnny Horn Trail is a steep dirt road starting at the Emmaus Moravian Church and running uphill into a developing residential area alongside the Johnny Horn Ghut. Recent road maintenance has disrupted the natural drainage, funneling large amounts of ...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project : Coral Bay Watershed Management Project. Lower Bordeaux drainage improvements
The Lower Bordeaux Watershed includes the southeast portion of Bordeaux Mountain that drains through several ghuts and empties into Coral Harbor. Development in this area has interrupted natural ghut flow paths, increased runoff, intensified vegetation de...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project : Coral Bay Watershed Management Project, Carolina Valley drainage improvements
The Carolina Valley Watershed contains one primary ghut (Main Ghut) and several other runoff pathways that drain a large uphill area with residential neighborhoods scattered across steep hillsides and accessed primarily by unpaved roads. Development and p...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project. Coral Bay Watershed Management Project : Calabash Boom drainage improvements
The Calabash Boom Drainage Basin contains two main ghuts that drain an uphill residential area with a steep, primarily unpaved road. Road grading modifications shifted some of the stormwater runoff to an adjacent ghut resulting in greater stormwater flows...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project. Coral Bay Watershed Management Project : Hansen Bay drainage improvements
The Hansen Bay Watershed contains two residential subdivisions that share an entrance road at the end of Route 10. Stormwater runoff has been carrying sediment from unpaved sections of this road into Hansen Bay, threatening coral reef habitat (Photo 1). T...
Downloadable DataPrincipal Component Surface (2011) for Coral Bay, St. John
This image represents a 0.3x0.3 meter principal component analysis (PCA) surface for areas inside Coral Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). It was created by integrating eight topographic complexity surfaces (mean depth, standard deviation of...
Downloadable DataLiDAR Relative Reflectivity Surface (2011) for Coral Bay, St. John
This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 0.3x0.3 meter resolution relative seafloor reflectivity surface for Coral Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The image's horizontal coordinate system is NAD83 UTM 20 North. Fugro ...
Downloadable DataShallow-water Benthic Habitat Map (2013) for Coral Bay, St. John
This shapefile contains information about the shallow-water (<40 meters) geology and biology of the seafloor in Coral Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). It was created by manually delineating and classifying habitats visible in a 0.3x0.3 ...
Downloadable DataBathymetry (2011) for Coral Bay, St. John
This image represents a LiDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) 0.3x0.3 meter resolution depth surface for Coral Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). The image's horizontal coordinate system is NAD83 UTM 20 North. Fugro LADS, funded by the Natio...
Downloadable DataOrthophoto Mosaic (2012) for Coral Bay, St. John
This 0.3x0.3 meter imagery mosaic of Coral Bay, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands was created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using a collection of orthophotos collected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 2012. This col...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project : summary report
The USVI Watershed Stabilization Project, led by V.I. RC&D, received $2.7 million in NOAA ARRA funding to implement the proposed actions. Using these funds, the project partners constructed 126 best management practices (BMPs) targeting sediment source co...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project. Fish Bay, St. John drainage improvements
The Fish Bay Watershed has experienced significant development within the last 30 - 40 years, and this has induced a growth of the road network within the watershed. Previous research on St. John has shown that unpaved roads can erode at rates that are up...
ResourceNOAA ARRA USVI Watershed Stabilization Project. East End Bay, St. Croix erosion repairs, trail construction and drainage improvements
The East End Bay, St. Croix, component of the overall USVI Watershed Stabilization Project had two main objectives: (1) repair existing erosion damage and reduce future erosion by improving runoff drainage conditions along pre-existing foot trails at East...
ResourceSTEER/Fish Bay/Coral Bay test BIOMapper
Welcome to the STEER/Fish Bay/Coral Bay BIOMapper, a fully interactive, online feature designed to let users explore benthic habitat mapping data. This portal contains a comprehensive collection of data, including aerial imagery, LiDAR imagery, benthic ha...
ResourceCoral Bay watershed management plan : a pilot project for watershed planning in the USVI
This report presents a frame work for managing the Coral Bay Watershed, St. John, USVI based on a pilot watershed planning study conducted primarily by the Center for Watershed Protection (CWP) and the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources Div...
Downloadable DataGround Validation Locations (2012) in the U.S. Virgin Islands
This shapefile denotes the location of underwater photos and videos taken in Fish Bay and Coral Bay, St. John and the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). These locations were explored using an underwater camera because t...
Downloadable DataGround Validation Transects (2012) in the U.S. Virgin Islands
This shapefile denotes the location of underwater photos and video transects taken between 10/23-10/31/12 in Fish Bay and Coral Bay, St. John and the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). These locations were explored usin...
Downloadable DataAccuracy Assessment Locations (2013) in the U.S. Virgin Islands
This shapefile denotes the location of 399 underwater videos and photos taken between 3/18 - 3/28/2013 in Fish Bay and Coral Bay, St. John and the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). These locations were used to assess t...
Downloadable DataAccuracy Assessment Transects (2013) in the U.S. Virgin Islands
This shapefile denotes the location of 399 underwater photos and video transects taken between 3/18 - 3/28/2013 in Fish Bay and Coral Bay, St. John and the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). Points along these transects...
ResourceBenthic habitats of Fish Bay, Coral Bay and the St. Thomas East End Reserve
This report describes the development and assessment of shallow (0 d40 m) benthic habitat maps for Fish Bay, Coral Bay and the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The objective of this effort, conducted by NOAA's National Cente...
ResourceMovements of reef fish across the boundary of the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument in Coral Bay, St. John, USVI
The Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICRNM) was created to expand the protection of the marine ecosystems around St. John. Monument boundaries were not designed using ecological criteria, but were instead the result of historical land ownersh...
ResourceSummary of Calabash Boom Road improvements options
This memorandum presents road stabilization opportunities identified on August 25, 2009 by the Horsley Witten Group (HW), Coral Bay Community Council (CBCC), and the NOAA Coral Program for reducing erosion and sediment loading from the unpaved portions of...
ResourceA comparative study of fringing reefs below developed v. undeveloped watersheds, U.S.Virgin Islands
In the US Virgin Islands, sediment constitutes the largest pollutant of coastal waters by volume and is thought to be the primary cause of coral reef degradation. The factors governing the quantity, duration and type of sedimentat that may potentially aff...
ResourceHurricane Hole, St. John, USVI: corals with a resilient microbiome
"The health of coral reefs worldwide is in decline, but certain reefs exhibit resistance to many global and local stressors. We aim to study these locations to identify factors within corals that make them resilient. After several bleaching and disease ev...
ResourcePost-restoration monitoring to determine the impact of watershed erosion control on Land-Based Sources of Pollution (LBSP) to coral reefs, USVI: Final Project Report
"The objective of this project was to extend our previously funded ARRA and NOAA CRC funded work over a second post-restoration field season (7/12-2/13) including assessments of a) sedimentation, b) water quality (TSS), and c) rainfall. Our study examined...