Data Files: Video data were recorded on video tape recorders and the position of the camera sled was recorded using a GPS signal and different software packages, as described above.
File naming convention: Each tow is given a name consisting of a 3-letter designator for the island area followed by a two-digit year and three-digit tow number. During SB0401 the consecutive numbers started at SAI04001. Video tape labels and paper log forms are annotated with the tow name. Data recorded using Hypack software follow the Hypack CHS filename format consisting of the year, the first two letters of the platform name, the Julian date, and the hour and minute in which the file was started, and the extension "raw." For example, a file collected on Dec. 10, 2004 (Julian date 345) aboard the Carolinian starting at time 1935 would be 2004CA3451935.raw. Time Correlation: All times are based on UTC. Clocks were manually synchronized prior to starting data collection each day of operations.
Resource Description: Digital video imagery that is geo-referenced to navigation files.
Online Links:
Benthic Habitat Mapping Group, Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED), Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), NOAA
These data provides optical observations that have been used to provide information on the distribution of coral communities in Garapan anchorage out side of Saipan Harbor, CNMI.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:Please acknowledge the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center as the source of this information.
These data are not to be used for navigational purposes. NOAA makes no warranty regarding these data, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data, nor as a result of the failure of these data to function on a particular system.
Data format: | Each comma-delimited record contains informaation on the UTC date and time, horizontal position of the sled, and heading of the ship over the period of time that the camera sled is in the water. List of navigation files: 2010__0450226.RAW 2010__0670004.RAW 2010__0670427.RAW 2010__0700933.RAW 2010__0701152.RAW 2010__0701315.RAW 2010__0710959.RAW 2010__0711039.RAW 2010__0711256.RAW 2010__0711401.RAW 2010__0711528.RAW in format ASCII |
Media you can order: | CD-ROM (format ISO 9660) |
Data format: | 13 h of video data are avialable covering 25 km of seabed, recorded on 30 video tapes. List of video tapes: GAL10001, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10001, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10002, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10003, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10004, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10005, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10006, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10008, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI10009, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) SAI04009, forward and downward tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) TFF10001, forward (1 & 2) and downward (1 & 2) tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) TFF10002, forward (1, 2, 3) and downward (1, 2, 3) tapes, Mini DV (master) and DVD (backup) in format mini DV digital video cassette and DVD |
Media you can order: | Video cassette tape (format Mini DV) |