Resource Description: Digital video imagery that is geo-referenced to navigation files.
Online Links:
Pacific Islands Benthic Habitat Mapping Center, Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED), Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), NOAA
These data provide optical observations that will be correlated with bathymetry and acoustic backscatter imagery to develop a benthic habitat map of the island of Saipan. Refer to supplemental information for description of instrument and survey.
Are there legal restrictions on access or use of the data?Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints:Please acknowledge the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center as the source of this information.
These data are not to be used for navigational purposes. NOAA makes no warranty regarding these data, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data, nor as a result of the failure of these data to function on a particular system.
Data format: | Navigation information are recorded as successive lines in a comma-delimited ASCII text file, with a .glo extension. Each line of a GLO file includes the following data: the year, day of year, time, latitude, longitude, water column depth, vehicle depth, layback, and wing angle. The field for wing angle does not contain useful data. A total of 13 navigation files were collected, including: sai03001.glo sai03002.glo sai03003.glo sai03004.glo sai03005.glo sai03006.glo sai03008.glo sai03009.glo sai03010.glo sai03011.glo sai03012.glo sai03013.glo sai03014.glo in format ASCII |
Media you can order: | CD-ROM (format ISO 9660) |
Data format: | These data were recorded on 7 video tapes, include 4 hours and 29 min of video data covering 3.0 linear km of seabed. List of video tapes: SAI03001-002, VHS, Master SAI03003-006, VHS, Master SAI03001-002, Mini DV, Master SAI03003-005a, Mini DV, Master SAI03005b-006, Mini DV, Master SAI03008-009, Mini DV, Master SAI03010, Mini DV, Master SAI03011-013, Mini DV, Master SAI03014, Mini DV, Master SAI03001-002, Mini DV, Backup SAI03003-005a, Mini DV, Backup SAI03005b-006, Mini DV, Backup SAI03008-009, Mini DV, Backup SAI03010, Mini DV, Backup SAI03011-013, Mini DV, Backup SAI03014, Mini DV, Backup in format mini digital video cassette |
Media you can order: | Video cassette tape (format mini DV) |
Data format: | 69 still images available; poor photos were enhanced or deleted List of photo folders: SAI03003: SAI_082303_0934 (27 photos) SAI03004: SAI_082303_1014 (34 photos) SAI03005: SAI_082303_1051 (8 photos) in format JPG digital still photo |
Media you can order: | CD-ROM (format JPEG) |